[Chapter 12] Last Chance

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-Anthony's POV-

I jumped over multiple fences and dodged various fall lawn decorations just to get to Holly's house. I had been doing pretty good, until..."Shit!" I screamed as my final jump came a little too short and I fell flat on my face in the dew-covered grass.

I wiped the grass clippings from my face and looked up to see Holly and Joey, both dressed in their pajamas, standing over me. Joey was in his navy blue, plaid pajamas pants, shirtless and Holly wore her white, racer-back tank top and baggy gray sweatpants.

"Are you okay?" Joey inquired as Holly helped me to my feet.

"Yeah," I answered, wiping the wet grass off of my sweatshirt and jeans, "Hey, umm, do you think I could talk to Holly in private, Joey?"

Holly's cheeks grew pink as Joey nodded his head and went back inside, closing the door behind him. Holly and I stood there in silence for a little, the bitter cold of the night slowly getting to us. Holly cleared her throat, "So, uh...may I ask what you were doing face-down in my lawn at one in the morning?" She asked as politely as she could've. "And please make it quick, it's fucking cold out here and I really want to go back inside."

"Here," I said, taking off my sweatshirt and handing it to her, "Wear this."

She smiled slightly and slipped into it.

"Better?" I inquired. She nodded her head as she cuddled herself for warmth. I smirked, "It looks nice on you."

She giggled, something I haven't heard in a while, "I'm serious though, Anthony. Please make it quick, I'm freezing out here and really tired."

"Okay, fine," I took in a big breath. This was my last chance to make things right. And there was absolutely no room for me to fuck up. I sighed and went onto saying, "Holly, I...I have always liked you. Always. Not once have I ever stopped liking you. Ever since I met you back in sixth grade, even when you had all those different colors of hair. You're perfect. You always have been. And you were and are the one girl I couldn't picture myself without. And I'm sorry I made the fake Facebook profile and tricked you into thinking I was Ian. I just was shy, and afraid that if I told you how I..."

She stepped up to me and pressed her lips against mine, slipping her cold hands under my jaw. I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her back, pulling her body closer to mine and kissing her back passionately.

She pulled out of the kiss, moving her hands to my chest, "I love you, Anthony," She said in a whisper, her soft breaths becoming visable in the air as she waited for my response.

The corners of my lips curled up, "I love you too." I pushed a piece of her blue hair behind her ear as I went in for another kiss.

She leaned back in my arms and put her index finger up to my lips, "Can we just forget about the past, Anthony? And only focus on who we are and where we are right now?" She looked up at me, her blue eyes glimmering in the moonlight that shined brightly above us.

"Of course," I said, leaning in for the kiss. And there we stood, in each other's arms, locked at the lips, just as a crack of thunder boomed and little drops of rain began to fall from the sky. Neither of us flicnhed, we just let the water soak our clothes and flatten our hair, not willing to break away.

Finally, everything was out in the open. There was no more hiding behind a computer screen or fighting with myself on whether I should tell Holly how I felt or not. I could finally be...me. The one I pictured years ago. The one with Holly by their side as they faced the world together. The one who didn't fuck up when he told the girl of his dreams that he loved her.

-Nev's POV-

Two months have passed since we heard from Holly Pascilla. We've already started two new cases, and to be honest, I forgot about her. And I was only reminded of her when Max and I were reading new emails.

"Hey! Look at that one!" He pointed to the screen, "It reminds of another case we did. With that Holly girl who thought she was in a relationship with that Ian guy but it was really the other friend, Anthony? And then they told us to go away?"

My eyes widened, "We forgot to get back to them!" I exclaimed, pulling out the small camcorder and watching the footage we captured. I looked up at Max, "I wonder where they are today. Let's contact them. This would be a really good episode."

Max smiled as he dialed Holly's number, which we still luckily had.


Max and I sat excitedly in front of the laptop, waiting for the screen to reveal Holly. And as soon as it did, we didn't just see Holly, but Anthony as well. They were sitting in front of the camera, both smiling.

"Hi Nev and Max!" They sang in unison.

"Hey!" I greeted, "How's it going?"

"It's actually going really well," Holly answered with a smile.

"So it seems that you and Anthony are on better terms?" Max asked, holding the camera up to the screen.

"Yeah, we're actually dating now," Anthony answered, looking over at Holly and pulling her closer to him.

I smiled, "That's great guys! Is everything resolved about the Facebook thing?"

"Yeah, I actually took the fake one down," Anthony told us, "No one, the fans, not even Ian's real girlfriend, suspects a thing."

"That's really great, guys," Max stated. We talked a little more and then it was time to go, "Well, it's good to see you again!" They waved goodbye to us and the computer screen went black.

I closed the laptop and sighed, "I'm so glad to hear that they're back together," I said to Max, who was turning off the camcorder, "I just can't believe that they went from hating each other...to...to that!" I pointed to the laptop, remembering how happy they seemed.

He shrugged, "The world is full of curveballs. And anyways, I think they always kind of liked each other. Even when they were in that awkward area of not talking to each other."

I heaved another sigh, "This was the most craziest one I think I've ever done. I don't think anyone's like...told us to go away."

Max smirked, "Like I said, the world is full of curveballs."

Author's Note: Hey guys! This is probably the end for this story, there MIGHT BE AN EPILOGUE, but ONLY IF YOU GUYS WANT ONE. I also want to say I'm sorry for this crappy, somewhat short, not satisfactory ending, I just haven't really felt the motivation to write this story lately. Feel free to give me your feedback, I really appreciate it. Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! -rac06h10ael

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