Chapter 1

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I checked my appearance once more and trotted downstairs.

Jay checked his watch. "Only five minutes late this time. I think that's a new record."

The boys laughed while I glared at him. "Watch your mouth, Jay."

He grinned. "Ooh, whatcha gonna do, Nathan? Punch me?"

"I might."

He pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair. "Ahh, I'm just messing with you, Baby Nath."

I ducked out of his grip, smiling. "Are we going?"

"Yeah, come on boys," Max said, rushing us all out the door.

We piled into the van. Jay tripped and fell, landing on top of me. I laughed as he struggled to stand. He managed to sit next to me, but was still unusually close.

I didn't mind it though.

Jay and I were best mates. Closer than any of the other boys. I would do anything for him. Sleeping on top of each other was not something new for us. No homo.

Just before we reached the interview, my phone rang. It was my girlfriend, Natalie, so I answered it.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Hey." Her voice was shaky. "Nathan, I, um...I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" I was concerned.

"I wanna break up."

I stayed silent.

"Look I'm sorry. I love you and all. But, Nath...I can't take it. The hate. From all the fans. I can't deal with girls coming up to me and telling me they hate me because I'm with you. I shouldn't let it get to me, but it does. I'm so sorry. It's not your fault, it's mine." Those were the words she said. But I heard a man's voice in the background and the sound of stolen kisses.

I started crying. The boys were asking me what was wrong, but I didn't answer. I just told her okay and hung up. Then I lost it. I was sobbing.

"Nathy, what's wrong?" Siva asked.

"N-Natalie broke up with me," I cried. "She was ch-cheating on m-me."

Jay pulled me into a hug. I cried into my best friend's shoulder. "Aw, Nath, I'm sorry. I know you really loved this girl."

I did. I was absolutely smitten.

We pulled up at the interview. Tom and Jay helped support me as we stepped out of the van. My eyes were red from crying and there were tear stains on my cheek.

"You can just stay quiet today," Max said. I nodded.

I stayed silent throughout the whole interview, staring down and willing myself not to cry. Luckily, the interviewer didn't ask what was wrong.

When we got back to the flat, I locked myself in my room. I promised myself that I wouldn't come out, even to eat.

How could one person cause me so much pain?

A/N: What do you think? I have three parts written so far and I plan on posting them. After that I'll post probably once a week. Vote, fan, comment! Thanks to anyone who's reading this! xx


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