Chapter 25 (The End)

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{A/N Here is the last chapter! Thank you so much for your feedback, it means a lot to me.

I'll post another author's note when I upload the new Jaythan fic, so be on the lookout for that! Also, I'm doing a Jiva oneshot and maybe some more of those in the future. :) Once again thanks so much for reading this story. It's been a great journey. Thank you. Love you, xx ~Pickles}

*3 Years Later*

The moon shone down on Jay's pale skin, making him shimmer and shine. I raised my hand to his face, tracing my fingers along his cheekbones. He leaned down and captured my lips in a swift kiss. When he pulled away he smiled at me, taking my hand and walking through the garden.

"It's beautiful," I said, looking around at all of the flowers. There were roses and tulips and zinnias and bluebells and all kinds of them. The moonlight made them look almost silvery.

"Wait till you see it from above," Jay replied.

"Above? What do you mean?"

He just shook his head and smiled, lacing his fingers through mine tighter.

We came to a white marble gazebo with vines wound around the Roman columns. We sat down inside and looked out over the flowers.

"How did you find this place?" I asked.

I saw him blush. "I made it."


"I made it. I grew all these plants, tenderly and carefully. For you. Everything is for you. You mean the world to me, Nathan. And I love you."

I felt heat rising to my cheeks. He did all this...for me? "It's perfect Jay. Just like you." I leaned in and fit my mouth against his. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, keeping the kiss sweet and slow.

Jay pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "Do you want to see it from high up?"

I smiled as I felt his hot breath against my face. "Of course."

He leapt up and grabbed my hand, running along the path and winding through the flowers. I laughed and held onto my hat, letting him pull me.

Together we climbed a winding staircase, spiralling towards the sky. Just before we reached the top, Jay turned around. He covered my eyes. "Very carefully walk up the last few steps," he instructed.

I set out a hesitant foot and started climbing, slowly, feeling my way up the stairs.

"Stop!" he half shouted. I froze. "Relax." I loosened my muscles. He removed his hands.

I gasped.

The flower beds were arranged into letters. The whole thing could be seen from up here. And they spelled out...



I turned around to see Jay holding out a silver ring with a green stone set in the middle. I wiped my eyes as everything started going blurry and I felt water cascading down my cheeks.

"Yes," I cried. "Yes, I will."

Jay started crying and slipped the ring onto my finger. He pulled me into a tight hug, burying his face into my shoulder.

"I love you," he whispered. "So much. I love you so much."

"I love you to the moon and back," I replied, mumbling into his ear. "I love you Jay."

We made our way down the staircase and returned to the gazebo.

His blue eyes shone silver in the light as he leaned down to kiss me. I closed my eyes and cupped his cheek, moulding my lips to his. This moment was perfect.

Jaythan. Together.


*Le Fin*

Only Ever You (Jaythan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora