Chapter 5

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I woke up again and Jay was in the room, reading fanmail. He noticed I was awake and handed me a stack.

"The fans are worried sick about you. We told them you were sick and couldn't come to the interviews," he told me.

I started reading through the mail. The letters and drawings and support made me feel a lot better. The fans loved me. And they were a hell of a lot better than Natalie.

I still felt really weak. I managed to stand.

Jay looked up at me quizzically. "What do you need?" he asked.

"I'm going downstairs. Get some food, say hi to the boys," I said.

Jay stood and followed me, in case I needed help walking.

"There's the boy!" Max said, throwing his arms around me. Siva and Tom joined in the group hug.

"We miss you, Nathy," Tom said. "Are you feeling at all better?"

I nodded and smiled. "Loads better. Nothing cheers me up like the fans. Although, food would be nice," I hinted.

Tom ran to the kitchen. "What do you want? Lunch? How about ham and beans? Spaghetti? What?"

I laughed. "You don't have to treat me like a king, Tom."

"Seems like it though," Siva muttered under his breath. I glared at him.

"Ham and beans sounds good," I told Tom, still glaring at Siva.

"Hey boys, do you want to watch a movie or something?" Jay asked.

Max collapsed onto the couch. "So long as it's not Avatar."

"I was thinking about Star Trek."

Max and Jay started bickering.

"Let Nathan choose!" Siva suggested.

"Why thank you, Seev. Someone appreciates me around here," I said.

Jay snorted. "Who's the one that's been taking care of you this whole time? Hmm?"

I sat next to him and Max. "I'm just playin, mate. Thank you so much." I ruffled his hair.

He slapped my hand. "Don't touch the curls!"

I smirked and ended up pulling on them, watching in fascination as they sprung back towards his head. I didn't cease the action even when the movie started and I was eating ham and beans. I found it fun.

Luckily Jay didn't mind. He let me pull his curls. Sometimes the depressed get special privileges.

Or was it just me?

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