Chapter 8

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The next week Jay wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't so much as look at me if he could help it. My chest ached for him. He liked me. Why was he doing this?

I knew I had to confront him. What I would say, I had no idea. Something was better than nothing.

"Hey, wanna go clubbing?" Tom suggested on a bored night.

Max pushed himself out of his chair. "I am definitely in."

Siva and Nareesha exchanged a look. "Why not," Siva concluded for them.

"I'm coming," Jay announced.

My heart raced. I could confront him at the pub where no one could hear us. "Me too."

Everyone turned to look at me. Jay's expression was the most sour.

"What?" Max said. "I thought you didn't like clubbing."

"Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean I don't want to go out and have fun!" I defended myself.

Tom shrugged. "Alright then."

So I went to a club with the boys. I ordered my drink while the boys were off dancing. I stood and searched for them, specifically Jay.

I spotted Siva and Nareesha.

"Have you guys seen Jay?" I asked.

Nareesha shook her head. "Sorry, Nathan. I'm sure he's here somewhere, though."

Max and Tom gave me the same answer.

I sighed and sat at the bar again. This time, I spotted Jay.

My heart sank like the anchor of a ship.

He was with a girl. A cute girl. They were smiling, laughing, and dancing. Then...kissing.

I practically slammed my drink down and stormed out of the building.

The cool night air slapped me in the face as I walked through the London streets. I ended up sitting on a bench, watching the people go by. I saw groups of teenagers, sauntering drunkenly down the pavement. I saw businessmen running to or from the tube stop nearby. I saw taxis stopping for passengers and driving away, taillights shining brightly.

Jay betrayed me. He was with a girl. I thought he wanted me. I thought he was gay.

Who am I kidding? He has every right to be with a girl. It's certainly less publicity trouble than being with me.

Sighing, I stood up and travelled back to the flat. I lay in bed, wide awake and thinking.

The boys came back hours later, drunk and loud. I rolled over, trying to fall back asleep, when someone opened my door a crack.

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