Chapter 11

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{A/N OMG over 500 reads!!!! Thanks so much!!!!! Next part up if you can get me to over 600 :) Thanks! Xx}

I sat next to Jay on the interview couch. The crew wasn't in yet, so I snuck in a quick kiss.

"Play it cool, act normal," I told him.

He snorted. "I'll do my best."

I caught Max's disapproving gaze. His eyes flashed with...contempt? Shame? Disgust?

When the interview started, I managed to do okay. I answered questions about relationships and girls smoothly.

Then came the one question.

"What is one quality you dislike in any of your bandmates?" the interviewer asked.

We all managed to get through with easy banter and laughs.

But then Max said, "Well, I don't like that two of my bandmates and best friends are gay for each other."

Silence fell.

It was a live interview. Nothing could be taken back.

Rage boiled inside of me. "You had no right to say that, Max," I said quietly but angrily.

"You have no right to ruin the band because of your feelings!" Max shouted. He stood up, so I matched him to not look weak.

"It's not my fault that I fell in love! You were in love before, you know how it feels!"

"But never with a guy! Never with my best friend!"

"It makes no difference! Love is love!" I was screaming at him now.

"Cut, cut! Stop the cameras!" the interviewer shrieked.

"Off the air," a cameraman said.

"We were going to tell them when we were ready! Thanks for ruining everything, Max."

"This is all your fault! If you hadn't been a disgusting fag, we wouldn't have this problem!"

"If you hadn't fucking told everyone, we could have hid it!"

Max balled up his fists and attempted to punch me. Tom yanked him backwards.

Siva jumped between us.

"Both of you, stop it," he said calmly. "We need both of you to get along. Max, you had no right to say that on live TV if they weren't ready."

"Picking sides, Seev?" Max's eyes flashed with anger.

"Max!" Tom hissed. "Calm down, okay? It shouldn't be a big deal."

"Oh that's right, side with the baby. He's a spoiled brat, always gets everyone and everything he wants," Max spat.

"Max-" I started.

He held up his hand. "Don't talk to me. I'm leaving."

"Leaving the band?" Jay asked, a tone of grief in his voice.

He shook his head. "No. I won't make that decision yet. I'm going to go on holiday, take a break. Have some time away from you two. I'll be back in a couple weeks."

With that, Max George, our beloved band member and best mate, walked out of our lives for the time being, leaving the band in turmoil.

{A/N: Sorry! Sorry! I hate making Max the bad guy! I'm so sorry! He will come back though, I promise! Do you hate me now? :/ Don't hate me please! I haven't finished the story yet! :) ~Pickles}

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