Fluttershy's Promise

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Celestia was, what she had considered, an honest princess. She always did what was best for her subjects and lead them in an admirable way, with grace and humility. What was most interesting about Celestia, however, was her belief in the greater good- she always knew what had to be done for the sake of her ponies. But, as of that moment, Fluttershy would never look at her eloquent princess in the same manner. What she had asked of her was simply too much. How could a small filly like her, afraid of her own shadow, reform the Lord of all things chaos? The thought of the demon made her tremble. But, as she looked at the Princess's proud face, so full of hope and pride, she knew she had to do what was asked of her. After all, how bad could it be? Really?

As she and her friends joined together to release the draconequus, their necklaces emitted a bright rainbow of color, each beam of light casting together to form a spell powerful enough to release the being from his stone prison. The moment her hooves touched the ground again, Fluttershy realized what she had done, and knew there was no going back. How could she disobey the Princess's orders? But, she couldn't help admitting to herself that she was beyond terrified. Discord had always been a shady character to her. Ever since the labyrinth experience, she merely saw him as a villain. They'd fought many battles side by side, she and her friends. As the bearers of the Elements of Harmony they'd encountered numerous foes before, each supposedly worse than the last. But, they were never anything beyond their grasp. But Discord, he was different. Sombra may have held a powerful throne, and Chrysalis, a formidable army, even all the magic in Equestria taken by Tirek-but all these villains were defeated. Though Discord was, indeed, defeated also, she could never tell if he was really gone. His chaos could still reign over Equestria at any given minute! He was the only creature on Earth who could ever turn the Elements of Harmony against themselves. She tried her hardest to resist his temptation in the maze, but no matter how hard she tried, there was no holding him off. What she didn't realize was that she was the only pony to do so. She held up the longest, and, at the time, Discord found this shocking. But, as the story went, he wasn't her biggest fan after their reuniting and returning him back to stone. Maybe then she felt the slightest bit of guilt, but there was no denying he got what he deserved. In all, Discord seemed to find his way into Fluttershy's mind a lot. The thought of having to spend some quality time with him in order to reform his chaotic ways sickened her. But, before she could react on these feelings, a deep, mighty roar erupted from the center of the circle the ponies had made around the statues. But the statue wasn't a statue anymore...

"Aaaauuuggghhhhhhhh!" The voice cried. "What a relief!" Fluttershy directed her attention to the lowly draconaquus. The Elements never ceased to impress her with their magical ways. But, her moment of admiration was concluded when she saw the creature appear in front of her and peer over her shaky body as if examining his next victim. She was scared to a point of no limit. But, once she realized he had to be conducted in the right direction as of right now, just so she could get a handle on him, she became extremely brave and stood up to him with the only method she knew. The Stare. Once realizing, however, such chaos could not stir this demon, she settled down and proceeded with her plans to help the draconequus appeal to his better side.

Once they got to her cottage, Discord made himself at home and proceeded with his subtle pranks. As Fluttershy finished explaining her methods to Twilight, she then started back inside. Before she could, though, the unicorn caught her hoof. "If he gives you any trouble, just say the word."

"Twilight, I made a promise to reform him. I'll simply try becoming his friend. Besides, I think I can tame him."

Twilight nodded, unsure. "Alright," she said, turning away. "But, you know where to find us."

"I can do this, Twilight. It's my promise..." The words echoed in her head as she turned to see the chaotic master sprawled across her couch, eating a bowl of, what appeared to be, paper.

Oh dear, she thought.

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