The Beginning

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"Fluttershy..." The voice echoed.

No, no! She screamed, but no sound. She tried to run, but no movement. 

"Fluttershy..." It whispered. 

Nooo! She turned away, but could not escape his looming gaze.

"You're mine, Fluttershy. I need you..."

He caressed her small figure as he stroked her cheek. And as much as she fought to get away, it was no use. He was too strong. Too large. Too horrifying. 

"Come, now, Fluttershy. We both know we're meant to be..."

No, never! 



"No!" She screamed at a start. She was gasping for air and reaching out through the pitch black. She finally felt the lamp she was in search of and switched on the light. Looking around her room, she felt herself begin to calm down. She took one last breath before starting through the door, only to meet a charging Discord on his way to her threshold. Seeing the face of her nightmares gave her a sudden chill, but she was happy it wasn't just her silent, sleeping animals as her only company. 

"Oh, sorry." She blushed down at her hooves. "Did I wake you?"

"My dear, of course not. Are you alright? I heard you scream." He began reaching out for her, but she unintentionally backed away from his haunting claw. 

"Umm, I-I'm fine. I'm sorry, just a bad dream."  She sighed. "I-I think I'll grab a drink of water. "

Discord looked down at her and summoned a glass before she could get around him.  "Here you are, dearest." He gave her the glass and they returned to her bedside. She took a seat and gulped down the ice cold glass. When she reached to place the empty cup on her table, Discord grabbed it from her hoof and ate the actual glass in one swallow. He managed to get a small chuckle from the frightened pony, but sat down with her when he saw her frown return. 

"So, this dream, er, nightmare....what happened?" He inquired.

Her eyes flashed as she began to recall the past events of the night. "Well, I have had this dream before. It changes each time, though. The first night you came actually, it was awful. It starts with this awful monster holding me in his arms. He's looking down at me, staring. I-Im afraid, but I can't move. He's...controlling me! I can't run, he's touching me and I can't stop him. I-I..." She began to cry into her hooves, with Discord stroking her long, flowing mane. She took notice of his action, but decided to ignore it. 

"Hmm," He began. "What did this monster look like?"

"Well, he's, ginormous! And, his eyes are terrifying, like they stare into your soul, with these razor teeth hanging from his mouth. But, its like he's there, and not there. He's right there, I can touch him, but at the same time he's everywhere, and I'll never reach him! His voice is booming and his snake tongue slips between his lips, curved in a scary smear while he's...he's....petting me?" Fluttershy finally looks over at her comforting acquaintance to see the hurt, shamed look on his tired face. At that moment, she realized just how alone this creature was. Just how good he could be. And how her fear would never help him. "I-I'm," she stumbled. "I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Am I a monster?" He asked under her gaze. 


"Am I really a monster?" He looked up from his feet and met her eyes. She could tell she had stung him, more than he was letting on, maybe. Fluttershy was meant to reform him, not hurt him to a point of depression. That same week she had told him, inadvertently, that he was the most evil soul in all Equestria. 

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