The Magic of Past Times

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Quick note: Sorry for interrupting your reading but I thought I would quickly share a quote I got from a fellow Wattpader when she was savagely defending fan fiction to a friend not so fond of it all. Anyways, I was really inspired and I wanted to encourage all my readers out there to know you are free to express your love of fan fiction, especially if you're ashamed. I would also love it if my readers started writing your own and allowed me to read your works! 

"Fanfiction sites are actually filled with stories that have nothing to do with the fandom, they are short stories made with subjects like self-harm, anxiety, mental disorders, eating disorders, etc. that are aimed to help people dealing with those same issues. Fanfic actually helps lots of people, and those stories that DO have to do with the fandoms are a source of reading that exercises the brain and gives beginning writers somewhere to share their work."

So this doesn't pertain to my work directly, but I hope it encourages you guys! Thx lalalapll

Hope this chapter meets demands---or not!


"You're okay," she insisted through exasperated breaths. "You're okay." 

It was hard to move around the crowd of gathered ponies, curious as to the sudden commotion happening whilst the Princesses led the Council away from the disturbance. Hard enough was it for three mares to lift an unconscious draconequus from the ground to the platform. Once she was sure the Council was far from sight, the purple-maned pony gave the other two the okay, assisting them best she could to get him onto the wooden stage. 

"Careful!" came a voice from behind them. The group of ponies parted to make way for the uniformed clinician as he came rushing into the station, fallen papers trailing him, hair mangled as if he hadn't slept or days. 

"Doctor?" Fluttershy asked through sullen tears. 

"Do not move him too much!" he tripped over the stairs but caught himself with his front hoof. Pulling himself together, he approached the fallen chaos master, yellow pegasus at his side.As he got closer, she caught sight of the state he was in: much more than tiredness, his heavy eyes carried long-term stress, his unshaven muzzle coated in short whiskers, creases and lines drawing deep in his aging face. "I-I discovered what-what the tear in his shoulder was..." he was gasping for air.  

Fluttershy's face lit with hope. "What?" 

The doctor swallowed hard. Fluttershy shrank again, biting her lip, mentally preparing for the next line to come. 

"Well-" he started.

"Wait, what? Tear?" Apple Jack inquired. "Fluttershy, what's he-"

"I would like to know as well." Rarity interjected. 

Fluttershy sighed. She turned back to the doctor. "What is it?" her voice cracked. 

The doctor looked up from his hooves. 

"Well," he pushed the spectacles dangling from his face to the bridge of his nose. "After some surveillance, and bunches and bunches of research," he seemed to find humor in the understatement. "I came to three conclusions, but, seeing him now, it seems none of them make sense. I was quite certain, that with the evidence given, he had a case of Fragilitosis, or maybe Illsanitatumnia, or even-"

"So what do you think now?" the panicked pony demanded.

The doctor drew back, surprised by her outburst. "Now, please don't worry, we can always fix this," he reassured her, though his words merely fueled her alarm. She was straining back the tears as hard as she could. 

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