Closer Yet

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The night was warm and mellow. Crickets serenading, frogs croaking, grass swaying. The stars were at their best-the sky was clear, and it was as if they could see for miles on end. The endless mesmerizing patterns floating about in that infinite sea of black. They had their backs  to the cool ground, and were simply lost in the loops and swirls of the shining wonders. When Fluttershy looked over to see if Discord had grown restless, knowing this wasn't his "thing" per say, but each time he seemed content. What she didn't know was that he was actually enjoying himself. Stars always had the tendency to fascinate him. Billions and billions of years away, untouchable, dangerous-and yet they were as clear and bright as our own sun, we could always reach out to them, and their deceiving looks attracted ponies from all over. It was a chaos he would never understand. He appreciated their beauty, nonetheless. He was always fond of the stars, yet he never stopped to just look at them. When Fluttershy suggested that they spend their evening doing so, he was hesitant. But, once he saw them, he couldn't look away. There was but one thing that could draw him away from the vast ocean swaying before him in a ripple-the mare he lay next to. He had to admire her eye for beautiful things. She herself was beautiful. Discord had grown a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach, and whenever he touched, saw, or even thought of the pony he would shiver from the inside out, his heart would fill with ecstasy, and he couldn't help but smile. Seeing her there, he wondered if this new respect for her was just something that came with friendship. As he had never been in a relationship of any kind with any pony before-minus the hateful relationships he'd built up over the years-it was hard to decipher the feelings he was experiencing. He didn't dare ask Fluttershy, as he feared she may think less of him. But why did he care what she thought of him? He heard her shuffle in the grass and her arm momentarily touched his. The reaction he felt inside was completely unexpected. If he had shown on the outside what his emotions had done during this split second, it would've looked like a gymnast-trapeze-contortionist act, with jumps coming 10 feet off the ground, and fireworks exploding in the background. When he brought himself back down to earth, he saw her looking at him. 

"You okay?" she asked. "We could always go back inside if you're not feeling..."

"NO!" he protested. Anything to stay with her. "I...I like looking at the stars." He returned his attention to the sky. She followed his gaze but continued to address him. 

"Oh, you know what I wish sometimes?" 

"What's that, dear?" He asked.

"I wish, now, it's a little silly-"

"Nothing's silly about wishing, Fluttershy." He said, turning on his side. 

"Well, I wish the stars could...come alive. Maybe, talk to us. Tell us stories about all they've seen, all the places they've shone over. Answer some of our questions. Or maybe they could come down to earth, so we could see their beauty from up close." She got lost in her wandering. "The beauty of the world is seen during the daytime, but at night, a whole new universe is opened up- with all new opportunities! We see things and feel even more things in a whole different manner. I just.."

She turned on her side to face him. He was staring at her with a spark in is eyes. He instantly stood up. She raised a questioning eyebrow. "Where are you going?" she asked.

He didn't respond, but rather gave her his paw to help her off the grass. When they were both standing, he told her to close her eyes, look down at her  hooves, wiggle her nose and then look up. She began to protest, but he stopped her. "Ah, ah, ah. Do as you're told, Missy." 

So, she obeyed to his commands and did what he instructed. She let her eyelids fall lazily over her teal eyes, facing down, and then wiggled her muzzle as if warding off a sneeze. When she opened her eyes again, she was expecting more fireflies or her name in illuminating colors-but what she found frightened her. She looked up into the black night sky and that was all it was. A black night sky. Every single star that was drifting above their heads had vanished from sight, yet there was not a single cloud to block them from her view. 

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