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"Discord, this is very important to me! Please, please, please don't mess it up!" Twilight begged, completely exasperated. 

Discord sneered at her from under his breath. 

"Ahem," Celestia raised a disapproving eyebrow at Discord, who stood before her throne trying his best not to tackle the purple alicorn standing to the right of the princess. 

He straightened himself up and faked a smile. "Of course, dear Princess. I, of course realize, how important this event is, for all of Equestria and for me." He turned to Twilight and said through gritted teeth, "I wouldn't dream of interfering with any plans you have for the Council." 

Twilight shot Discord an irritated look and inspected him carefully, as if searching him for a lie. When he turned his gaze back over to Celestia, Twilight then followed his movement and looked up at the Princess, seeking her response. 

The Princess nodded her head. "Very well, Discord," she began. "I have faith that you'll hold to that promise." Both Discord and Twilight took a double take; Discord's eyes widening in shock and a defiant smirk appearing across his proud face, Twilight's mouth gaping open as she glanced over to the draconequus. 

"Really?" Discord asked, beams of pride radiating off his tall figure. 

"Really?" Twilight retorted, raising a shocked eyebrow. at the Princess. 

"Yes," she said. And with that, she dismounted her throne and made her way towards the front entrance of the grand room. "My only request, Discord," she said, turning around to face the creature currently making faces at the aggravated pony. They both straightened and faced the Princess. Celestia rolled her eyes and proceeded with her demands. "My only request is that you attend the party we have planned for the Council after Twilight's speech and their tour of Canterlot tomorrow, as their visit was delayed. They plan to arrive tomorrow morning. We will welcome them to Canterlot when they approach, Twilight and I will give them the tour, she will perform her speech at the dance we have planned."

"WHAT!?" The draconequus and mare shouted simultaneously. 

Celestia straightened her crown which had nearly blown off with their voices. "Yes," she said, turning to face the front, speaking as she walked on. "The Council members need to see you as a fit part of society. They must guarantee your good behavior will proceed as a citizen of Equestria and it is with this you shall be permanently relinquished of your, umm, 'troubling past'. Perhaps you can accompany someone to the dance?" she continued to walk, but stopped after receiving no response. She turned around and saw the two trailing her with their jaws to the floor. 

The Princess sighed and shook her head. "It's one dance, Discord. They don't expect you to do the Pony Polka, they simply want to see you as a fit member of society."

"And if I don't go?" he asked, rather hopeful. 

The Princess lowered her head. "I'm afraid it may effect how long you'll be staying with Fluttershy in Ponyville. We must not forget that you have committed various crimes against Equestria, Discord, and as the Council may not recommend you be turned to stone, they do have the power to place you in Tartarus- and that, I can assure you, is a fate you do not want."

"So I'm stuck having to attend this stupid dance?" Discord asked in disbelief. 

Celestia nodded.

"Princess Celestia-" Twilight started.

"No, Twilight," she held up a hoof. "There is no argument. Discord must attend the dance, and it would be of great help if you would assist in the preparation for it."

Discord let out a long, drawn out, overly-dramatized groan. "Fiiine." he said, snapping his fingers and making a small bow tie appear on his chest. 

Twilight and Celestia looked him up and down. 

"What? Too flashy?" he asked. 

The Princess giggled and Twilight rolled her eyes. They made their way out the door and stopped at the threshold. 

"Maybe Fluttershy can attend the dance with you," Celestia smiled, mischievously, before walking off to her bed chambers. 

Discord thought about it for a moment, but was interrupted by the infuriated unicorn standing at his feet. He bent over and smirked. 

"Looks like I have to prepare for the dance, Princess Twilight," he said, chuckling under his breath. 

Twilight sighed and took a hoof to her forehead. "Discord," she complained aloud. "You know this will break everyone if this goes wrong."

"I know, I know," he joked, waving her off as he began to make his way down the corridor. 

"And you know Fluttershy will be devastated if the Council turns you down." she shouted after him. 

Discord froze. He took a minute to process her words and imagined how heart breaking it would be if they were to be separated. Sure, he was a pain sometimes, and she could be a real scaredy-pony, but they had had fun in their time spent together. The cottage was home now. 

"Discord?" Twilight whispered, knowing her voice would echo had she called out again. 

Discord snapped back to reality. "Umm, yeah, yeah." he frowned. "Sure." And he proceeded to his room, leaving Twilight to her worries. 

When he got to his suite, he came in quietly. Fluttershy slept soundly on the bed, rolled up in blankets. He felt guilty for getting her back so late, but he couldn't ruin the fun they were having earlier. Originally, Princess Celestia wanted to address the both of them, but after seeing how tired the mare looked, cut her talk short to Discord. She would wait until sunrise to have the talk she desired among them both. 

The yellow mare had been ancious on the trip back to the castle, worried they had missed the Council's arrival. Seeing upon their absence, of course, settled her. Discord was quite glad himself they had postponed their visit.

Discord yawned, and, taking a final look out the window (through which he saw Princess Luna gazing over the castle grounds from her balcony), he began to approach the bed. He slithered under the covers and curled up into his little ball. Just as he began to shut his eyes, he felt Fluttershy's soft hoof reach for his hand. 

He smiled and grabbed hers. 

Closing his heavy eyelids, he fell into a deep sleep. 

* * *

He dreamt all that night. Weary and lonesome dreams of sorrow and pain. He had no other choice. This dance had to go perfectly. Otherwise, he might loose her. 

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