A Final Outing (Part 1)

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He traced his claws down the wave of pink mane flowing over her figure. The running silk flooded through his fingers, a coolness that claimed his hidden anticipation. 

"You look truly astounding, my dear," he whispered. "Are you ready  to go?" He lay in bed, the concerned mare leaning over him, two hooves against the cool floorboards with her others atop the mattress, smiling innocently with his charm. 

"You know we can't go out tonight," she said, embracing his warm face. 

"Oh poo," he whined. "And I had such perfection planned."

Fluttershy smiled, then let her face fall. 

"Discord, I-"

"Don't talk my dear." He caressed her cheek. 

She shoved his paw away.

"You're sick," she said sadly. "Really sick. I think we can stay in tonight."

Discord's lustrous look fell away, revealing a pained expression. 

"I think," he began, attempting to sit up, despite the burning pains running up and down his feeble body. "That is precisely why we should go out later."

Fluttershy backed away as he straightened himself out. "How so?" She inquired fearful of his response. 

Discord was on his feet now, though he used the bedhead as support, given he might've fallen otherwise.

Fluttershy took a moment to observe him completely. The proud figure that once took her breath away now mocked his innocence as she stared so intently at the cripple before her. It became blatantly clear what impact the infection had upon not only his appearance but the way he held himself. He reminded her of a bipolar snail, as his head drooped and his shoulders hunched. Yet, he pursued the opportunity to make a clever remark: "Because I miss the stars." He grinned. "Or maybe it was just the ones in your eyes."

The mare furrowed her brow and hardened her look. He giggled at first, then dropped his gaze to the floor. His smile straightened. Her face softened. She approached him and placed a reassuring hoof in his paw. 

He took notice of the action, glancing at her sweet smile. He refused to smile back, but he gave her hoof a warm squeeze. 


"So, if the Elements of Harmony are out," Rainbow summarized with the group, once inside the library. "And we know that whole Canterlot-Wedding-Defeat thing was just a trick to make us think she was weakening, when really she was growing an army..."

The other mares groaned with the affirmation. 

"...then how are we going to destroy Chrysalis?" 

"And," Rarity raised her hoof. "How are we going to save Twilight?"

"And save Equestria?!" Pinkie Pie added. 

"Not to mention keep Discord in check." Rainbow Dash retorted.

Apple Jack raised her head to the latter statement. "Discord?" She inquired. "What does Discord have to do with anythin'?"

Rarity and Pinkie turned to Rainbow in akin confusion. 

Rainbow rolled her eyes as if it were obvious. But then her face softened, seeing their genuine confusion. "Well," she looked away. "Discord obviously has a past with the Queen, and for all we know, she may still hold a leash over him..."

Rarity and Apple Jack shot a glance to the empty staircase leading to the pair at the other side. Pinkie, not quite understanding Rainbow's implication, persisted: "A leash? Silly, Dashy. Discord's not a dog!"

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