The Awakening

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Fluttershy gulped. 

She shut her eyes tight, as if this might block out the truth. Shield her from reality. 

But it was not to be. 

"Fluttershy." Discord sighed.

She bit her lip and looked for an escape. From him. From her. From everything. 

"Fluttershy." he said again. "Please, say something."

Her fear suddenly turned to something greater. Her eyes met his, hers narrowing as his filled with worry. 

"Okay!" she said in frustration, shoving past him."Well, what do we do?"

"Wha..." he watched in confusion as she stormed off. 

She looked back as if to persuade him to follow her. 

He rolled his eyes. "And where do you think you're going, missy?" He appeared in front of her, blocking her from the turn she had to make around the corner. 

She looked at him with distinguished irritation. She started around him again. 

"" he moved in different directions to block her, her rage boiling with each check he made against her. 

"Stop...stop...STOP!" she said in between movements. "Discord, stop!" 

"NO!" he stormed. Fluttershy looked up at him in surprise, backing up. 

He cleared his throat. "Sorry, I-" He reached out towards her, but she trembled under his gaze and pulled away before he could touch her. 

He retracted with hurt. "F-Fluttershy?" 

She swallowed. "Discord. If what you say is true-"

"Every word." he added.

"-then this means we need the Elements of Harmony." she continued, ignoring his comment.

Discord shuddered. "I don't think-"

"Look, it's not the same, we're using it on her, not on you." Fluttershy assured him. 


"Have you got any other ideas?" she demanded.

He pondered for a moment. He looked back down at her, shrugging.

"Okay then, let's go-" she began around him again.

"Woah, hold your horses!" He snapped his tail and a literal horse, just a bit bigger than Fluttershy, fell right on top of her, bringing her down too. 

"Ouch!" she cried. 

"Sorry," the horse disappeared. "I had to." 

Fluttershy grunted as she stood, ignoring Discord's offered hand to help pull her up.

He set his jaw and sighed in exasperation. 

"What was that for?" she asked calmly. 

"You can't...get her now..." Discord whispered.

"Why's that?" she raised an eyebrow.

He looked at her as if it should've been obvious. "While the Council is here? Are you crazy?" He emphasized his point with an appearing cuckoo clock hovering next to him.

"Since when-" she lowered her voice. "Since when did you care about the Council?" 

Discord bit his lip, unsure of what to say next. 


"Exactly. We have to get at her now, before anypony is hurt!" she gasped. "Oh no!"

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