"May I?"

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Discord decided to sleep in the next morning, making Fluttershy regret her decision of staying with him the whole night. Because he had her pressed against him, holding her with both arms around her waist, and his tail embracing her whole side, she was totally trapped. She was stuck in his grasp, and no amount of wiggling would loosen his grip on her. And, to make matters worse, she knew he wouldn't wake up with any amount of effort she put forth. Having lived with him for multiple nights, Fluttershy was fully aware of his problem. When Discord was sleeping, he was sleeping. Meaning, of course, being the creature of chaos he is, no being, happening, or any other circumstance could possibly stir him from his deep slumber. Their first night together was a happy accident, and she so wished 3 hours of sleep had been his normal resting time. She tried all the techniques she knew-tickling, pinching, and everything in between- but each outcome was the same. She even tried brushing a wing under his snout, letting the feather brush across his nose, hoping this would make him sneeze, but still she remained unsuccessful.

When she heard a low chuckle escape from his closed lips, which had pulled into a smile he tried to hide, she realized he had been pulling her leg the whole time. He was awake when she was, but kept playing along as she struggled with all her might to escape his clutch. She decided it was time for payback. So, she put on her smoothest smile, letting out all the giggles before she turned to face his inward chest, just touching the end of her muzzle. She slipped her right hoof over top his side, running it, slowly, all the way down to his spine, before taking her other hoof and sliding it under his turned body, running it along that side until she felt her right hoof meet that one. She was now in a full embrace. Discord became tense at her seductive touch, but remained curled around her small figure. When she saw her hugging hadn't fazed him, she started running both her hooves up and down his arched back. She felt him shiver as her arms rubbed up and down his spine. He still lay there, though, tightening his circle around her so she looked like prey in a snakes menacing coils. He realized what she knew now, but wouldn't give in. She saw his indifference, and began scooting in closer to his body, if possible. They could feel the others chests rising, up and down. Discord moved the tiniest bit so his curled neck was wrapped around her shape, but his mouth was inches from the back of her neck. She felt his warm breath hit her, and she shuttered. She nearly gasped when he brought his claw over her side and walked his fingers up and down her back. She stayed strong, realizing what he was doing, and simply caught her breath before she could let on her evil ploy. She brought her tail over his waist and began swishing it up and down his legs and thigh. He did everything in his power not to shake. He decided to get her back, all the while the pair continued their strides on the other's back. Discord stroked the end of his tail up Fluttershys figure, and she couldn't help but sigh in content as he began brushing his tip of fur against her waist. Fluttershy made her next advancement and began rubbing her cheek against his furry chest. Her eyes closed, she continued rubbing the side of her face into him. She was came to an abrupt hault, however, when she felt him whisper in her ear, "Fluttershy". She stopped altogether, quite actually; her hooves found a place on his back to yield to, her tail returned to her side, off his body, and her continued exhilaration became still. His tail remained rubbing up and down her legs and thigh, and his enclosed arms still massaged her small spine. He whispered again, "Fluttershy". She shuttered dangerously at his voice and her breathing became slow. Her heart was beating so loud she was afraid if he spoke any quieter he might hear it, pounding, pounding against her chest. He brought his claw up to her face, engulfed her cheek and turned her head upwards, so she was facing the end of the couch. The only thing blocking her view of the armrest was the sinister draconequus staring longingly into her soul. She noticed his breath was no longer running down her neck, as he had moved his head to face her. She was shaking, and she winced at first when he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Fluttershy," he said, in a voice closer to his vocal range. "You know, you're very attractive when trying to seduce me."
She stared at him and blushed. She giggled at first, then realized he wasn't joking. She froze.
"Fluttershy," he said again. "You're simply irresistible when you blush like that."
She slid further down the couch, trying to escape his arms wrapped around her.
"Fluttershy," he finally said. "I can hear your heart beating." She stopped struggling in his grasp, and looked up at him. She wasn't sure what to do: she was trapped in his arms, and he was romantically pursuing her, even if he hadn't been doing it on purpose. She blushed as she looked away. "You wanna know something, though?" He reached behind his back, retreating the claw on her face to take the hoof she had wrapped around him. He took it in his hand, and, delicately, placed it over his own chest. She felt his heart beating as he pressured his own hand atop hers, inviting her to feel into his soul. The crazy thing was, his heart was beating twice as fast as hers. She looked up at him, and saw the smallest hint of a blush on his own cheeks. She smiled warmly and placed her ear against his chest, removing her hoof from his wild heartbeat. She heard it pulsing and jumping around in his chest. She was amazed. Not only had his heart been beating double the insane speed of her own, but this so-called "heartless" creature had an open, warm soul which thumped loudly from beneath her own ear. She stayed in that position, one ear placed on his chest, for what seemed the whole morning. Discord didn't mind. He had been occupying himself with his friend's soft mane. She didn't seem to notice, but he had been feeling around her pink, silky mane, playing with it. Tossing it around. Smelling it. He felt his heart rate increase with each moment her head was pressed against him. He hadn't said anything, but he himself was impressed with this beating in his chest. He had forgotten he even had one for the longest time. Had he just grown one? Does the beating of a heart even grow? What he knew for sure was that he had never felt this motion inside himself before. And that motion was activated ten fold with each passing moment he had the beauteous mare pressed against him.

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