A Discorded Changeling Tale

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This entire chapter is Discord's dialogue: 

Draconequi aren't exactly one of the most talked about creatures, so I don't expect you to understand our rather odd customs ad traditions. I myself, to this day, hardly accept any of the formalities I was forced to take part in. 

I came from a bigger family. Ya know, really big. As in, over a thousand siblings, a mother, a father, and unmentionable amounts of cousins. Regardless of our size, however, my parents always made sure to get themselves involved in each of their children's lives, so much as not to make anyone feel neglected. 

I can't remember all the ways of my kind, but I can recall the one event that would change me forever. 

Draconequi weren't...evil. That is, until I came along...

It all started on that day my mother came into my chambers. Ya know, I don't remember what she looked like. Every time I look back to her, the face I see isn't my mother's. It's a blurred haze. A lost connection that I fear is far beyond repair. Oh, well. 

'It's time,' she told me, in that angelic voice that had always soothed me to sleep during storms, and lulled my fears when I stood frightened. 

So, it came the time in my life when one young draconequus leaves the nest to go hunting.

In those days, our powers weren't all that unique. In fact, it became quite the popular saying that if you wished upon the twilight of the seventh day of the seventh month, you would be granted wishes from the mighty draconequi. Thus, we made the exception for ponies in need most of our help. We would seek them out, call it "hunting", and use our chaotic powers to grant them happiness. Now, it was my turn. 

It was my first hunt ever. I'd been brought up in the art of hunting. I knew exactly what to do, how to do it, and what I was feeling: nervous. 

I suppose that made me different from the others. It seemed everyone but me would be thrilled for their first day of hunting. Yet, I was the only draconequus in history to be dreading the very day. Soon that dread turned to anxiousness, and, right at my lift off, as I waved my family goodbye, that anxiousness turned to fear. 

It was a momentary lapse. I was vulnerable. So weak I couldn't find a single soul to help, though I'm sure many needed me. I found myself a nice high cliff, away from the clutter and fear of my land, and hid there for nearly three days. I lived off of what I did best: my chaos. The chocolate milk and cotton candy were sufficient. But I was lonely. And ashamed. I was ashamed for being scared. I was ashamed for not returning to my family. I was ashamed for being born the way I was. 

Pretty soon that shame turned to something else, something darker. But that never would have happened were it not for the push of a certain princess. 

It was perhaps my fourth day of self-exile, when I came across an irregular character. She claimed she was Celestia, ruler of Equestia, Princess of the Sun. But, I could sense her lie. It was then I unconsciously used my powers to reveal her true self. Had I known that was a mistake, I wouldn't have even considered letting her see me put my magic to use. The glamour was strong, but it took hardly any effort to unveil her. She was quite impressed by my powers. Told me I had the potential to become king. I told her I wasn't interested, but that she, too, was gifted in the art of magic. 

I spent the day convulsing with her on that cliff, talking about my family and what I had done. I shared with her all the stories I had to tell, and she sat there, silently, listening to my tales. Intrigued, she continued to inquire more about my magic ability and what my family was like. I took the bait. I befriended her. 

She told me her name was Chrysalis, and while she wasn't the Princess of Equestria, she was the princess changeling. When she learned I had nowhere to go, she offered me a home. On our way to her 'hive', she explained what changelings were, and that her powers were shared among thousands of her people. She failed to mention, however, that she was a spoiled princess, and I, her loyal subject, worshiping her in a way she did not deserve. I thought she was the most amazing creature, so alluring and mysterious. I thought she felt the same way about me, but I was wrong. 

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