From My Paw To Your Heart

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Hey, guys. Just a quick note, I wanted to thank you all for reading my story! I mostly wrote this fan-fiction out of curiosity, but it has definitely become an addicting habit-and I must say, this has taken twists and turns I was not expecting. Discord seems to take things all over the place, like he's the one writing the story. Normal chaos, I suppose. Sorry for all those close-calls, ha ha, but I can't have them kissing yet! If anyone has any suggestions for the chapters to come, go ahead and list them. I'd be happy to include any scenes you guys think would improve the story. Also, kudos to anyone who catches all the Disney reference in this chapter ;P


"Oh, no," He started, throwing his hands up into the air. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No!"

She glanced up once more with those giant, gentle teal eyes, shooting razor blades down his throat and stabbing into his gut. He was trying so hard to resist her. So very, very hard. Oh, how he tried to avoid her eye contact. But, once he saw the small tears forming at the corners of her infinite mystic orbs, he felt strings tugging at his chest. He sighed- overly exaggerated and drawn out- but it was all in good intention as he smiled down at her and crouched to extend his open paw towards the ground. Fluttershy giggled and kneeled down, matching the level at which his paw rested. She clicked her tongue multiple times, summoning the small squirrels and even tinier chipmunks, as they all climbed out of their hiding places in the trees, and bunnies, as they were emerging from their underground dens. They all hesitantly approached the pair.

"Okay, what do I do?" He asked her, rolling his eyes.

"Shh," she said softly. "You wait."

The creatures all sniffed the air, and observed Discord warily. One small bunny hopped forward, a baby by the looks of it, and began sniffing Discords paw. Discord shuddered at first when the critter began eating from the pile of pellets he held in his hand. Fluttershy calmly laid a hoof on him to tell him it was alright.

"You're doing good," she giggled. She poured more feed from her hooves into his paw attracting the attention of various animals. Without warning Discord was trampled by dozens of woodland creatures as they tried to eat from his open paw. Even some deer ran out and trusted the draconequus alone to not fry them right then and there. Soon, he was covered in birds and squirrels and chipmunks and bunnies head to toe, all swarming around him seeking more food and even greater than that: warmth.

Fluttershy was in a fit of laughter. He looked ridiculous, and still he continued to feed those animals.

Discord, though he was penetrated by them, was actually enjoying himself among the creatures. The birds sang him beautiful songs as they perched along his arms and shoulders. The squirrels would tickle him up and down as they scampered. The chipmunks were adorable as they hid all throughout his warm body. The deer, he thought, were the most amazing. They did not climb on him of course, but they allowed him to touch them. Surely if it were just he, and not accompanied by Fluttershy, this would not be so. Nonetheless, he found them to be incredible beasts.

"Okay, okay," Fluttershy said. "That's enough." With that, all the birds tweeted a final goodbye to their new friend and flew away. The squirrels jumped from his figure and scurried into the forest. The chipmunks and bunnies smiled warmly up at him before following their brethren into the woods. Discord gave the deer a last pat on the head and they all disappeared just as quickly as they'd come.

"Aww," he whined. "We were having so much fun."

Fluttershy giggled. "Glad you did." She smiled warmly.

Discord gripped at his left shoulder and winced a little at the sudden pain. Fluttershy, though distracted by the flowers she was treating at the moment, took partial notice and took a quick glance at her friend. She didn't want to push, so hoping he would say something, she turned back to her garden and continued caring for them.

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