;) when CPs meet SCP

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Jeff: 'SCP 173', they don't have names?
BEN stares up at the tall SCP 173 as it stands proud at its usual position, its tiny arms out and green eyes stare into your soul.
Jane and Nina stares at SCP 682 from a distance as SCP 682 chases Smile dog around the forest. SCP 106 stares at the Rake and it stares back with the same black eyes. SCP 096 cries beside a tree, rocking back and forth while Jeff tries to look at his face, fascinated, he doesn't know that 096 has a smile as terrifying as his.

"I sense the disease in all of you but since I'm a guest of this forest, I choose to not do anything," 049 said calmly. Slenderman nodded in understanding and asked more questions of their arrival and what they do.

BEN was currently trying to get into SCP 079, he kept trying to get into the screen but each time he tried, he gets electrocuted. Sally was playing with SCP 999, the cutest SCP. And 999 was hanging on Sally's waist, tickling her.

basically, everyone was getting to know each other.

That's all I got and I'm not too sure if I'll have time to update as often because school is about to open for some of us and I think I should focus more on my studies and whenever I have time, I'll try my best to update! Okay so bye!!!

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