The New Pastas

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Slenderman told Masky and Hoodie to take care of the mansion while he retrieves the new comers. Masky and Hoodie had a hard time trying to settle down everyone from excitement or boredom. Some heard about the new comers and were excited overly excited to meet new pastas joining the family.

Masky asked Hoodie and Toby to cook for everyone plus the new members while Masky make sure no one dies. Today, everyone was just gonna lay around or do stupid things and-

"AHHHHHHHHH MY EEEEYEEEESSSSSS! IT BUUUUURRRRRNNNNNNS!" Jeff shouted from the couch and bolted to the bathroom, dropping a lemon beside the couch. "What happened?" Masky asked, annoyed. Nina turned to look at him after picking up the lemon and said, "I dared Jeff to balance a sliced lemon on his eye and he started screaming," she shrugged.

Masky sighed in annoyance and walked away. BEN was blindfolded and Clockwork was guiding him towards the bathroom using directions. Sally was giggling and filling the tub with ice cold water.

Right after Masky turned around, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?" Laughing Jack was throwing Smile Dog up onto the chandelier and there were cracks in the ceiling. "Get down from there at this instanc-"

"The pancakes are done!!~~~" Toby sang and stood under the chandelier. "No Toby!" Masky yelled and Hoodie stepped out of the kitchen, and gasped. The chandelier fell down along with Smile Dog and it landed on Toby and all the pancakes.


The front door creaked open, "I'm back,"Slender's voice boomed, he was in a good mood but after walking in...

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Slender's voice boomed. Everyone flinched and Toby's arm stuck out awkwardly of the chandelier, "H-hey, you're back! Hehe..." He laughed nervously.

Slender man clenched his fist and pinched the bridge of where his nose should be and sighed. "Well...these are the new pastas that will be part of us...say hello to Sin and Sorrow!" Slender man said. Just in time, Jeff came back and had tears in his eyes still.

A red haired boy stepped out from behind Slenderman and a raven haired boy stepped out to the other side of slender from behind him. The red haired boy has beautiful aqua blue eyes and the black haired boy had deep and vibrant purple eyes. Both of the boys looked alike and the pasta assumed that they were twins. "So which of you are Sin? Or Sorrow?" Nurse Ann asked. They both kept quiet. Slenderman finally spoke, "Oh! I forgot to tell you all! They are mute! So they can't really talk to you, but I'm sure you'd find a way, anyway I have business to attend to, so I'll leave one of you to show them around," Slender said and teleported elsewhere. "And clean the living room!" His voice boomed in their heads.

The twins looked at each other and shrugged, then look at the pastas. Masky and Hoodie ordered some of them to help clean up the living room and sent some to make lunch again 2 other pastas to show them around.

Eyeless Jack and Lethal Artist (I just randomly chose them) showed them around and then to their rooms. The twins shared a room like Masky and Hoodie. The Lethal Artist was overly excited for their arrival to the point she made cookies for them. "That's all of it and do you want to try my cookies?" Artist asked politely. The black haired male looked at the red haired male, then the raven haired looked at Artist, and took a cookie. He lazily took a bit and nodded in approval, then the red haired male took a cookie and nibbled on it, he too nodded. Artist jumped in joy for her accomplishment. Eyeless Jack patted their shoulders and said, "Well, have fun in this place and be careful, if anything goes wrong, come to my office," he said warmly and walked back to the living room. Artist looked back at them, as they were about to go into their room, she tapped the black haired male's shoulder. "Are you Sorrow?" she asked. He turned to look at her, then nodded. Sin and Sorrow looked at her weirdly then walked back into their room.

We have new mysterious members I Guess...

IM SO SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE SO SOON TILL NOW! Anyway, hope you liked this chapter! Sin and Sorrow are my youngest OCs
I hope you don't mind new characters of mine into the story, you'll like them! I better update or you'll kill me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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