The strange man

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It had been at least almost 2 years since Coil was at the hospital. A lot had happened. Firstly, the men that were hunting Luna and Moon were arrested after Coil called the police. Second, Coil and Luna transformed the fire dojo into their own little home. They then became landlords and now they meet new people everyday. Luna wasn't sure about the idea at first but Coil said he wanted to try and be more friendly and help people out. And finally, Moon, Ashley and Heat were living in the fire dojo too. However, they were in separate rooms. Coil and Luna shared their rooms, Ashley had her own room and Moon and Heat shared a room together. To put things straight, all was well...

It was a Saturday evening. Coil and Luna were watching a television they bought with the money they had made as landlords. They had no visitors staying so the spare rooms were empty. Until, Coil heard a knock on a door. He got up and opened the door. There was a man wearing a red cape that looked exactly like Coils. He was about Luna's height and his face was hidden under his hood. He spoke softly...

"I hear rumours of a house that accepts outsiders. May I stay the night?" He said with a voice similar to Luna's only it had a slightly deeper tone.

"Uh... Sure I guess" said Coil.

The man walked in one of the spare rooms. Coil sat next to Luna as she was watching television. Coil put an arm around her that made her blush.

Coil and Luna are... A little bit different from the last time you saw them. They had grown up slightly. They look the same as they were before but on the inside, they had changed. Except for one thing, their love... They were still madly in love with each other. Anyways, Coil and Luna fell asleep on the sofa they were sitting on. It was very peaceful that night... In the morning, Ashley woke up. He noticed a new person was here. She tried to read his mind like how she does with everyone else. But... She couldn't! He was blocking out his memories and thoughts! She was surprised. Only Luna, Moon and Heat block out their memories and thoughts. It's as if he knew about her powers... Ashley went to his room to have a look who he was. But when she entered, she completely lost it. The room has vines on the walls and on the floor. Even on the ceiling. Flowers bloomed on the floor and the man was training! His whole body was green and he created a grass sword. He was using it to train. Then, he noticed Ashley. He turned and stared at her... Ashley immediately ran out. Who was this man? What's going on?

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now