Painful love

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After Coil and Luna got back, they went in their rooms. Coil looked at Luna. Luna looked at Coil. They both blushed.

"So... You held my hand earlier..." She said blushing.

"Well... We haven't had much romance blossoming between us..." He said.

Luna smiled. She got up and kissed him. Coil blushed and kissed back. Luna started to blush as well. She stopped and hugged him.

"I love it when you act dramatic... You were so handsome when you fought Darkness and when you were at the court" she said with a smile.

Coil smiled as well.

"Luna..." He said.

"Yes?" She replied.

"I can't help but think that... That we only fell in love because of faith. I mean, what if 2 years ago, I defeated Moon? Would we still fall in love? Or... Would I fight you?" He said.

Luna sighed.

"I... I don't know..." She said.

Coil looked at her.

"What if... I just met you by an accident?" He said.

Luna looked at him.

"Are you saying our love was an accident?!" She said.

"I... I'm not sure. But if it was, then it was the best accident I have ever been in" he said as he kissed her cheek.

Luna blushed but she looked at the ground. She started to cringe.

"Should I tell him...?" She muttered.

"What did you say Luna?" Said Coil.

Luna started to get nervous.

"Coil... I'm going to tell you something very, very important. I have never told a single soul about this. Not even Ashley knows" she said.

"Uh... Ok" said Coil.

Luna looked at him. She was very serious.

"Coil listen! If I tell you, you must never, ever tell anyone no matter what! And I don't want you to see me as a monster. Do you understand?" She said.

"I swear under my life that I will never tell anyone and I will always love you no matter what" he said.

Luna looked at the ground. She wanted to tell him but she was scared.

".....Remember when I told you about... A-about how my village burned down...?" She said.

"Yes" replied Coil.

Luna had tears running down her face. She started to tremble. All of a sudden, screams of the voices from her village filled her head.

"Well..... I... I started that fire!" She said.

Coil was shocked.

"W-w-why!?" He said.

"I just wanted to be noticed! And I wanted revenge! So I burned some of the houses of the bully's! But it spread and killed everyone in the village except me, Moon, Heat and Ashley! And it haunts me to this day! I'm a monster!" She said.

Luna cried so much. Her face was wet with tears, her nose was runny, she couldn't stop coughing and she felt awful. Coil looked at her. Luna was hiding her face. Coil softly grabbed her chin and moved her hands away from her eyes. They were looking at each other. Then, Coil kissed him. Luna froze... She was just motionless. Eventually, she decided to kiss back.

The two of them continued kissing for at least 10 minutes before Luna pulled away. She blushed.

"Coil... I'm so sorry... Do you really think I'm a monster?" She said.

"Not at all. In fact... I love you so much that I got you a present" he said.

Luna looked at him.

"I don't deserve any presents from you or anyone" she said.

Coil smiled.

"Close your eyes..." He said.

Luna rolled her eyes and closed them.

"Hold out your hands..." Said Coil.

Luna put her hands out. Coil then put a small, blue box in her hands.

"Now... Open your eyes and take a look inside the box" said Coil.

Luna opened her eyes. She stared at the box. She slowly opened it... And what she found, was a green, ring with a red diamond. Luna dropped the box on the bed... She felt tears come to her eyes. Luna then started to tremble. But... She smiled and looked at him. Coil smiled and held her hands.

"Luna... I have 1 question to ask you... Will you marry me...?" He said.

Luna started to cry.

"YES YES YES YES YEEESSSS!!!!!" She screamed in joy as she tackled Coil to the ground.

She rapidly kissed his cheek. Coil blushed and hugged her. He then got the ring and put it on her middle finger of her right hand.

"Luna... We're going to have a wonderful life together..."

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now