The Wedding

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6 months later...

Coil was standing at the end of the room wearing a fancy, black suit with a collar around his neck. All his friends and family were there. Even Ashley was there! Yes. She regained consciousness a month ago. Coil's father and mother and brother were there. Even Moon was here with Heat! Coil was just standing at the end of the room just waiting.

"I hope she comes..." He muttered.

"I will go and check on Luna" said Moon.

She got up and walked out the room looking for Luna... Moon entered a room.

Luna was in the room. She was standing in front of a mirror and was wearing a magnificent wedding dress. The window shined on her. She looked beautiful. She saw Moon in the mirror and turned to look at her. Moon was amazed by her appearance.

"Coil is waiting for you Luna. He is starting to wonder what's going on" said Moon.

"I... I'm just nervous..." Luna said.

Moon smiled.

"Hey. We've been planning this for months. And now it's time. Coil is waiting for you and he is starting to worry. So lets go. I will hold your hand as you walk towards him" said Moon.

Luna smiled.

"Ok. One last thing. How do I look?" She said.

Moon smiled again.

"Well... You have really grown up and you have bloomed into a beautiful blue and white flower." Said Moon.

Luna blushed a bright pink.

"T-thank you..." Said Luna.

"Alright. Let's go" said Moon.

Luna walked towards Moon and held her hand. They both started to walk towards Coil...

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Luna. She gently walked across the pretty red carpet. Luna was blushing slightly as she looked at the floor. She seemed tense. Coil smiled and watched as she walked towards him. Luna eventually made it to him and they stood opposite of each other.

"Luna... You look beautiful" said Coil.

Luna's face went a bright red and pink. She smiled.

"T-t-thank you. You're as cute as the day I fell in love with you" she replied.

Coil blushed and everyone in the audience started saying awww. A young priest that looked like he was in his mid 20s and had short brown, spiked hair and black eyes got out a book and started talking.

"Today, we are gathered here to join these two couples named Luna and Coil in marriage" he said.

"Now I understand that you are both so eager to get married so we will skip to the vows. Do you have your own vows?" He said.

Coil and Luna nodded.

"I will let Coil go first" said Luna with a smile.

Coil nodded and looked in her eyes. He paused for a moment as he thought of what to say. Then... He began to talk softly.

"Luna my love...
The day I fell in love with you, my life changed forever...
We are almost always together...
You stayed with me and I stayed with you...
For the most part...
We had lots of wild adventures together...
We even met our future child...
We shared secrets and cared for each other...
We laughed, cried and smiled...
And overall...
You are the most important person in my life...
And that's why I ask for your hand in marriage..."

Coil blushed a lot. Luna blushed as well. Those were the sweetest words she had ever heard.

"O-o-oh my g-God... Coil. Y-you stole my heart!" She said.

Coil smiled.

"I guess it's m-my turn..." Said Luna as she looked at him.

As she did, all her memory's of Coil and her flooded her mind. She thought for a moment then started to speak as the room was quiet.

"Coil my knight in shining armour...
I always thought my life ended when my home burnt.
My life didn't start until I fell in love with you...
I love you Because...
You light up my whole world up and make me happy when I'm sad...
You take care of me when I'm hurt...
And won't let anyone hurt me...
I won't let anyone hurt you...
You're a huge part of my life even if our love is an accident...
And finally...
I know you're the man I want to spend the rest of my life with..."

Luna stopped and blushed. Coil smiled and the whole crowd was saying awww again. Even Coil's mother was crying with joy. The priest then smiled and gave Luna a blue ring with a orange diamond and gave Coil a orange ring with a blue diamond.

"With these rings, you must put them on each other's finger" he said.

"May I have your hand?" Said Coil.

Luna placed her fingers in front of him and Coil slowly and gently put on the Blue ring with the orange diamond on her middle finger of her right arm.

"It fits perfectly... Now... I need your hand" she said.

Coil put out his fingers in front of her. Luna gently put on the orange ring with the blue diamond on his middle finger of his left hand.

"Now the time has come to seal off your marriage vows and promises forever with a kiss... I now pronounce you, husband and wife for as long as you both shall live and live on in heaven. You may now kiss" he said.

Coil looked in Luna's eyes and Luna looked in Coil's eyes. They stared at each other for a while. They slowly moved closer to each other until they kissed... The whole room was then filled with joy as everyone was clapping their hands. Even Moon was which Coil found surprising. They both then moved away from each other and smiled.

Then, Coil looked at the crowd of people sitting on the wooden rows of seats. He then looked at an empty row of seats and saw none other, than Catty! Coil stared at her. His mouth was open a little. Catty sat there just smiling. The whole room went dead silent around him even though everyone was still cheering and clapping in joy. Catty smiled.

"Congratulations Coil... May your new life with Luna bring you both happiness and excitement..." She said.

Coil smiled then blinked. When he opened his eyes, Catty was gone... Nowhere to be seen. Coil's face was filled with a little disappointment. Luna noticed something was wrong and looked at him.

"Is something wrong?" She said.

"I saw Catty..." He said.

Luna smiled.

"Yeah... She wouldn't miss this moment for anything..." She said.

Coil smiled.

"Oh Luna... I love you" said Coil.

"Aw... I love you too" replied Luna.

They kissed again. They both had never been so happy before in their lives...

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora