The hospital

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Coil looked around the forest. He walked slowly taking it all in. All that nostalgia... It was perfect.

"Ah... It's been so long since I have been out here..." He said still walking.

Eventually, Luna and Project caught up to him.

"Coil!" Said Luna as she playfully tackled him on to the ground while kissing his cheek.

Coil blushed and smiled.

"Luna... Finally I can be with you..." He said as he hugged her tightly.

"Um... I hate to interrupt this romantic moment but I can't find Ashley, Moon or Heat anywhere" said Project.

"Wait! I see Moon!" Said Luna as she ran off towards her.

When they got to Moon, her face was filled with grim...

"Ashley has been poisoned... She is at the hospital right now and in a coma. The doctors say that it will take a miracle for her to wake" she said.

"Wait what!? But we have healing powers!" Said Luna.

"Luna... What if she woke up to find you dead when you have healed her? Could you die knowing that she will feel guilt for the rest of her life? And what about Coil? Look... We need you Luna. You're important to us" said Moon.

Luna was shocked. She never knew she was this important. She still has nightmares about being told she was pathetic and weak. She cried a little.

"Luna..." Said Coil as he hugged her softly.

"Let's go visit Ashley" He said.

Luna nodded and all 4 walked off towards the hospital. After a while, they were inside Ashley's room. Heat was there with her but Ashley looked awful. A doctor walked in and as soon as he did, Coil had to hide. He didn't want to go back to that dreadful prison so he went under the bed.

"I'm afraid that Ashley is in a terrible state. We can't do anything about it for now. All we can do, is wait..." He said with a sigh.

Luna was very upset. She hugged Moon and she hugged back.

"I'm sorry..." Said the doctor as he left.

"Is he gone!?" Said Coil.

"Yes. You can come out now" said Luna as Coil walked out.

He looked at Ashley. She was strapped to life support and looked like she had suffered a lot. Coil was curious.

"How did this happen?" He said.

Moon then explained everything. About Poison, Darkness and Scream. About how they attacked them and what happened and where they are now. Coil, Luna and Project were shocked.

"Oh no... It's starting!" He said.

Moon looked at Project.

"What do you mean?" She said.

Project looked at Luna and Coil.

"Should I tell them?" He said.

They both nodded. Project then told Heat and Moon about how he was from the future, who he was and that he was Coil and Luna's son. As soon as he said that, Moons blood began to boil. Heat noticed that she was tense and quickly calmed her down. Moon looked at him.

"Prove it!" She said.

Project thought for a moment then remembered something.

"Wait a minute... I totally forgot! I can heal! I got it from mother!" He said.

"Then prove it by healing Ashley" said Moon.

"But I don't want to die!" He said.

Moon looked at him in fury. Then Project sighed.

"Fine. In the future, Ashley, never wakes up Anyways. So I might as well heal her" he said.

Project slowly approached the bed. He gently put his hand on her poisoned leg. His hand started to glow green and he started to heal Ashley. Luna and Coil stood there in surprise.

"Whoa..." Said Luna.

Project then finished and let go. Then all of a sudden, he fell over on the floor.

"Project!!!" Shouted Coil.

Luna ran towards him and checked his heart beat. She sighed with relief.

"He's just fainted... That's all." She said looking pleased.

Coil picked him up. He was let out a sigh of relief.

"We should go now" he said.

"Wait, why is Ashley still in a coma!?" Said Moon.

"Project healed her leg. But not her coma. He knew that if he woke her up while she was poisoned, she would feel total agony" said Heat.

Luna looked at Ashley then at Coil.

"Yeah... Let's go" she said.

The 5 of them went out the room and walked off. Well... Everyone but Project who was still unconscious. They walked outside knowing, that danger would follow.

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now