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Coil stood in front of Project. Then... Coil went to attack. He managed to deliver a powerful fire blast on his face. His face was slightly on fire and his hair had been slightly burned ruining his hair style.

"Agh! My beautiful face!" He said as he stomped his foot on the ground.

Then, the ground suddenly started to cause an earthquake and the floor below Coil opened below him. Coil quickly managed to dodge falling below into the earth. Coil tried to balance himself but then Project suddenly got out his twin swords, charged towards him, knocked him over then slashed his arms. But for some reason, he didn't cut Coils arms off. Coil put his arms on the ground, lifted his body up doing a handstand, then spread his legs apart knocking Project down the hole he had created. Coil saw him fall. He was worried. He didn't want to murder anyone.

"He's still alive!" Said Ashley as he read his thoughts.

Then... A bunch of vines flew up from the hole and latched on to the edge. Project slingshot his way up from the vines and kicked Coils chest sending him flying towards a tree. Coil lost some of his strength. He tried to get up. He was trembling. His legs were shaking from pain. Project looked at him. Coil wanted to unleash his blue flame. But he couldn't. Because the doctor told him he would be locked up. Also, he just couldn't. Even if he wanted to, Coil couldn't unlock his blue flame again. Coil wondered... Was it Catty that helped him unleash his power or was it total rage, anger and fury? Coil was thinking so much that he couldn't focus. Moon looked at Luna and whispered to her so Coil wouldn't hear.

"He's such a loser. He keeps losing all the time. Honestly, it's so sad seeing him like this when he always brags about how 'superior' he is"

Luna suddenly shouted.

"Moon! Shut up or-" she said before she was interrupted.

"Or what? Are you going to get my hair wet from your powers that you never use?" Stated Moon.

Luna went silent...

"Quiet you two girls!" Said Heat.

Luna looked at Coil struggling.

"I want to help him..." She said.

Coil heard Luna.

"I-I'm fine... Let me win! For once j-just let me win!" He said.

Project looked at him and sighed.

"How sad... To see a mighty warrior trample below his own offspr-" he said before suddenly stopping.

"...That was too close..." Said Project.

"Anyways, the point is, you are so weak! You keep losing and you always screw everything up! You should quit fighting. You will do us a favour. Before anyone else gets hurt. Like Catty! You couldn't even be strong enough to save her! IS THIS THE KIND OF PERSON YOU WANT TO BECOME!?! A STUPID, NO GOOD PERSON THAT KILLS OFF OTHER PEOPLE! who knows... Maybe Luna could fall dead in your arms tomorrow..." Said Project.

Now it's pretty obvious what happens next... And let me tell you, what happened was so violent, so crazy and so unbelievable that I think it's best not to say anything. I will leave what happened here to your wild imagination. Anyways, Project was on the floor in total pain and agony from burns and broken bones with blood all over his face. Coil stood above him with blue flames. Blue fire everywhere... Coil picked up Project still enraged.


Luna ran towards him. She had watched him completely almost destroy Project. No one got up to stop Coil because first, what Project said was completely unnecessary and horrible. Second, they didn't want to get attacked by Coil. Third, they were wondering how Project knew all these things and finally, they were completely so shocked to see Coil beat up Project that they was frozen with surprise.

"Coil stop!" She shouted as she hugged Coil from behind.

Coil got his arm then knocked her over on the floor.


"LUNA!!!" Shouted Moon as she ran over to her.

Project was extremely terrified but he couldn't show it because he was in complete agony. Meanwhile, Luna was on the floor... She started to cry. Coil was about to finish him off until... The robotic collar on his neck suddenly electrified him. Lightning all around him as he was screaming in pain. He then tore it off his neck in anger then shot endless blasts of fire at it while screaming in anger.

"I DEFY GOD!!!" He said as the broken collar turned to ash.

Then... Coil could hear a voice in his head.

I feel your pain...
But what you are doing is wrong!
This is unbelievable!
You hurt Luna. Your true love!
And I want you to stop...
Where has the old Coil gone?
Please... Stop..."

Coil suddenly dropped Project. He stood there for a while... Until he fell forwards unconscious. His flame turned back to normal... Luna looked at Coil with tears.

"Coil... I'm sorry. But we can't be together... I'm leaving you... For good..." She said.

Suddenly, Project started to disappear. His body was slowly fading away. Until he was completely gone for good...

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now