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Luna walked into the building. It was a prison. She walked towards a man in a small part of the room which was covered by glass. Probably to protect him.

"Who are you here for?" He said aggressively.

As he said that, memories of Coil came to her. She held back tears.

"C-Coil..." She said.

"I'm afraid he already has a visitor. If you could just wait here until his visitor leaves" he said.

Luna sat on a old, worn out chair. She looked around trying to entertain herself. She started to whistle a small lullaby.

"Keep it down please." Said the man as he was reading a newspaper while drinking coffee.

After 30 minutes, a man walked out of a door. It was Tom! Coils brother!

"Tom!" Said Luna in surprise.

Tom looked at her looking a little sorry for her.

"He's not doing well... I heard what happened. I think it's best you stay away from him. You could get him angry" he said as he walked outside.

Luna ignored what he said and went through the doors. There was a elevator. She went inside and saw letters from A to Z. She assumed that it was in alphabetical order so she pushed the C button. The elevator slowly lowered her down. She could hear dreaded voices echoing through the building.

She reached the C floor and sure enough, there was convicts with names beginning with the letter C. She kept walking by. She saw lots of tough criminals until she saw the name Coil on a wall next to a titanium door. The door was locked of course. There was a small window that could be opened. Luna took a deep breath. She felt nervous. It was as if living butterflies were flying inside her. She then opened the window...

The whole room was a huge mattress. Even the walls and the ceiling were soft and cuddly. Then... Luna saw a man. He was wearing a metal suit. The back of his suit was chained against a wall. There were at least 5 chains linked from the wall to his back. His face was covered by a metal mask that was stuck on him. Finally, his arms were covered up in metal and were linked to each other as well as his legs. Coil was in an ultimate lockdown. But... He didn't seem to resist. However, he was mumbling something under his breath...

"I... S... S-sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" He said.

Just then, a collar on his neck beeped loudly and electrified him. He screamed in pain. Luna looked at him and forcefully tried to open the door. But it was completely locked. Eventually, The collar stopped electrifying him and he fell head first on to the floor. It sounded like he was crying. Luna stopped and looked through the glass window. Tears streamed down her face. She slowly put her hand on the window. Coil was as motionless as a rock... Luna looked at him.

"I forgive you..." She said.

Luna removed her hand from the glass.

"But... We can't be friends..."

Eventually, a man came. He opened the door and walked inside. He left the door open. Luna hid behind the door but listened carefully. Deep inside her heart, she really wanted to get back together with Coil. But she didn't want Coil to hurt her or himself. Plus, she has a feeling that Coil would only just turn her away... The man walked towards Coil. He took off his mask and stood there looking at him. Coil stared at him...

"Why do you want me here? The man said.

".....Kill me" he said.

Luna stood there... She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Fine. Any reason why?" The man said.

Coil looked at him and laughed a little.

"Well... I have been thinking... I am just a sin to this world. I cause trouble wherever I go. And it took a man named Project to tell me that" he said smiling.

The man walked out and got out a poison that was in a small container. It was purple and bubbling.

"Any last words?" He said.

"If I shall die here, I will go down saying the most powerful words any man could possibly say: nothing..." Replied Coil.

"However... There's 1 thing... I'm glad I got to live my life. Even if it's been short. But... I think this is for the best. I will soon be with Catty and join her once and for all. And I will be happy! It's what my family wanted me to be... Happy... And... It's what Luna would want... For me to die a happy man!" He said laughing.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Screamed Luna as she ran inside and hugged Coil with streams of tears running down her face and made loud crying noises.

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now