The Epilogue

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"Master I got em! And I must say, he's quite 'Frozen' in fear!" Said Darkness laughing as he brought Scream in.

Scream was completely frozen in ice and had an angry and shocked look. The room was dark and chains were hanging from the ceiling. There was a huge black and white chair. And standing behind the chair was a huge glass wall that had a huge view of an advanced, alien world. There was city's as big as a desert and it was dark. Purple smoke from the factory's were filling the green sky.

Poison was standing beside the chair minding his own business. A man walked in the room. He was dressed in A black, formal suit with a tie. His eyes were yellow and he had white hair that was glowing in electricity. His hair was standing up like a cliff on a mountain.

"Master! I'm back and there's no sign of Luna and Coil. Maybe Scream knows where they are" he said.

A loud voice boomed around the room.

"Agh!!! We need to find him! Coil has the powers we need to create the ultimate warrior! I swear... If you don't find them soon then I will use your bones as cement to hang your coffin on my WALL!!!" He said sounding angry.

"Ach! Y-yes master!" Said Zap.

"And Darkness... Thank you for bringing him back. Now I can talk to Scream myself. And let me tell you, he better not have failed otherwise there will be a big mess on the wall!" He said as he turned his head slightly.

"Ohh! I love it when master makes threats!" Said Darkness.

"Ugh! Stop it Darkness no one likes you!" Said Zap.

"How ironic!" Said Darkness while laughing.

"Zap! I want you to get back to work on the ultimate weapon! As for everyone else, GET BACK TO FINDING THEM!!!" Said the man named master.

"Yes sir! As soon as Scream is defrosted!" Said Darkness.

Poison looked at him confused.

"What? I can't make a joke every time I talk" said Darkness.

Meanwhile, Luna and Coil were outside on the ship. They were both at the front of the ship looking at the stars. It was at least 1:00am in the morning.

"Coil... Do you ever wonder that there's life outside our world?" Said Luna.

"All the time" said Coil with a smile.

Luna looked at him and smiled back. Coil just continued looking at the bright stars.

"After all, we're just a small part of this whole universe. I doubt our lives are as interesting as other lives people live on other planets. To put it this way, our lives are just like a book. We are just one of many. I doubt that anyone would read a book about our lives" he said.

Luna hugged him.

"You have such a way with words..." She said as she kissed him.

Coil kissed back as the moon stood above them. But to this day, Coil still remembers what he experienced.

"Silly Coil...
You can't escape the truth..."

The end..... Of part 2

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora