The princess of ice

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Lots of people on the ship surrounded Coil and Luna. Luna was trying to save Coil by performing CPR and pressing against his chest. She didn't want to use her healing powers. She practised medical treatment for 3 reasons.

1. She wanted to find another way to heal people without risking her life.

2. She wanted to be a nurse.

3. Coil fights a lot so she wants to help Coil as much as possible when he's hurt.

Luna was trying her best to save him. Tears coming from Luna dropped on Coil's cheek. Soon, Coil woke up coughing. He was alive! Luna smiled and hugged her crying. The whole crowd of people let out a sigh of relief and an aww... Coil got up and looked around.

"Ugh... My head... I had this awful drea-" he said before being interrupted.

"Coil that's so old. It wasn't a dream. It was real. I will explain everything to you in our rooms" said Luna as she walked off.

Coil got up, picked up his Cape and followed her.

"Where do I begin..." She said.

Luna was now in her normal pink clothes and was in a small room in the ship with Coil. She looked at the floor sounding upset.

"I'm a monst- ugh... I mean I'm... Different... I'm sorry I have hidden this from you Coil. I just didn't want you to leave me. You were my friend..." She said sounding upset.

"Luna, I understand. You should have told me about this before. Is there anything else I should know?" Said Coil.

"Yes... After I burned my village, my water powers started to freeze. In other words, I was becoming a cold hearted person. I never fight because of many things... For example, I don't want anyone to see me act like a monster in battle. Ashley and Moon are the only ones that know of my transformation and my ice powers. Now you know" she said.

Coil looked at her. This explains everything about his dream. Except for one thing... The voice he heard before the place turned yellow.

"Luna. I must tell you something" he said.

He explained about his nightmare.

"Oh my! It must have been awful" she said.

Coil nodded.

"At least it's not as bad as being called the princess of ice. That was my nickname that Moon gave me until... She slowly got depressed a few months later after the village burned. Ever since the whole village burned she has lost all of her joy" said Luna as she began to cry.

Coil hugged her.

"Luna you saved my life out there and I know it's hard to understand but I doubt Moon will be back to normal. The point is you have me now. And nothing will break us apart now that we're married" he said with a smile.

Luna kissed his cheek and smiled. They both blushed.

"Luna... I have 1 last thing to say. I heard a voice in the nightmare. And... I think it was Yellow" he said.

Luna was surprised.

"No... Please no matter what, don't let him take over your mind!" She said.

"I won't I promise" he said.

Luna smiled and hugged him.

"I love you" she said.

Coil smiled as well.

"Love you too"

(OK sorry if this chapter was a little boring. I was sleepy and I was running out of ideas)

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now