The plan

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2 years ago...

Coil was knocked out. He woke on a bed with chains holding him down. Then a man walked in.

"You are a perfect candidate for our experiment" he said getting out a sharp needle.

"W-what is that!?" Said Coil.

"Oh, it's just... How we say... Yellow... Heh heh..." He said as he injected the needle in his skull and into his brain.

Coil screamed in pain before fainting. When he woke up, he was in a cell with Luna...

2 years later...

Coil looked at Luna and Project.

"And so, they injected a living soul into my brain" he said.

Luna just stood there... Until she suddenly hugged him.

"No matter what happens, you will always be the Coil I know and love..." She said as she softly kissed his cheek.

Coil blushed a little.

"Thank you..." He said looking at the ground.

Project looked around and whispered something to Coil.

"We're breaking you free from here" he said.

Luna nodded. Coil smiled.

"Ok. What's the plan?"


It was all out war. Moon, Heat and Ashley against Scream, Poison and Darkness. Ashley was struggling a little as it was hard to read their minds. Moon was fighting Darkness.

"Come on! I have seen better attacks from Coil!" She said.

Darkness smiled.

"Then does that mean Coil is stronger then you?" He said laughing.

His hands turned into claws and scratched Moons back ripping part of her shirt with blood wounds.

"Gah!" She said as she quickly got up and rapidly attacked Darkness.

She screamed in rage as Darkness fell.

"W-whoa... Talk about a full moon!" He said laughing and smiling.

Moon kicked his face causing a green liquid to fly out of his wounds from her attack.

Heat was fighting Scream. He shot fire everywhere. Even at his face. Heat then jumped on him.

"Oh... This will hurt" he said as he shot fire in his mouth.

Scream shouted in pain. His body being burned from inside. Black liquid everywhere. However, Scream managed to shake him off and shot his legs. He slowly regenerated his wounds.

"Now... Let's show you how we fight" he said as he transformed his arm into a shot gun.

"I'd hate to kill you... You put up a good fight and did nothing wrong. But I must get stronger. Goodbye Heat." He said as he was just about to shoot before Moon pushed him out the way causing him to accidentally shoot Darkness.

"Ow! That tickled! You must really love me!" He said laughing as he slowly regenerated.

Moon then ran away...

Ashley was dodging Poisons attacks. Barely missing. She managed to lay a few hits but sadly, he wouldn't stop regenerating. Poison then grabbed her legs and took a bite. Ashley screamed in pain as she was bleeding. But... A yellow liquid went inside her wound. It was venom! She fell to the ground poisoned. Heat looked at all 3 of them as they walked towards him.

"Big mistake!" He said as Moon came back with gallons of water.

He set all 3 on fire, then managed to turn the fire into magma. Then, Moon threw the water she was carrying with her shadows at them. They then turned to stone...

"Well... I guess we have just been stoned!" Darkness said laughing.

"Darkness I know we have been owned! Stop rubbing it in!" He said still trapped.

Moon sighed with relief.

"We won..."

Then... Ashley moaned in pain.

"Huh!?" Said Heat as he ran over to her.

"Ashley!!!" He said.

"We must take her to the hospital!" Said Moon.

Heat carried Ashley and all 3 went off.

"Well... I guess I might as well tell some puns and jokes to pass the time!" Said Darkness.

Scream moaned and then screamed in anger.

"Damn you Darkness!!!" He said

A depressing future. Luna and Coil's legacy. Part 2 [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя