2. Hello Neighbor!

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Double D and his parents had gotten to the university early to help him move his belongings and settle in. He said goodbye to his mom and dad and promised his mom to call her every weekend so she would know that he was doing ok; he thought her worrying was a little too much, but he didn't reject the idea. As a child, Double D didn't get to spend too much time with his parents because they were both such busy people. His mother was a CEO and his father was a well-known Doctor, which meant that more often than not, they were forced to leave their only son on his own. But Double D was able to fend for himself; he matured quickly and was able to take care of his basic needs and only got better as he grew up.

It was something Double D had always been secretly bitter about. By being alone most of the time, he had grown up independently, not needing someone to take care of him too much; by the time he was 11, his parents felt that he didn't even need a babysitter anymore because he was already so responsible and mature. As a consequence however, Double D grew up a bit too soon, and a little too alone; he missed his parents, and wished he could've spent more time with them as a real family. But alas, it wasn't so. This didn't mean he didn't love them though; even from afar they never stopped looking over him and taking care of him, and he never stopped loving them either.

He had just gotten back to his floor in his dorm building and was about to open his door when he heard a loud THUNK and crashing followed by some cursing from the room just parallel to his. Edd's curiosity got the better of him and he softly knocked on the door twice with his knuckles.

"A-are you alright in there?"

Some muffled rustling and more thunking could be heard from the other side of the door, but soon enough the young teen could hear footsteps quickly approaching, so he took a step back. The door opened and when Double D looked up at the person standing in front of him, he was taken by complete surprise as to who his new neighbor was.

The other male had his head turned back as he answered the door, "Ah, yeah man don't worry I'm fine, just sett-D-DOUBLE D?!"

"My word, h-hello Nathan!"

"O-OH MY GOD, HI!" The green haired teen's eyes grew wider and brighter, he was just so happy to see the little genius standing there; he didn't think it'd be so easy to catch him around campus. Today was a lucky day. He quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and lightly hugged him, burying his face close to his black beanie.

Double D let out a small squeak at the sudden action, but once his brain caught up to what Nat was doing, he automatically - and awkwardly - hugged him back. He didn't want to seem rude, especially it being someone he knew.

Nat's smile grew when he felt Double D's arms enclose around his back; the enjoyment was short lived however, once he pulled back from the embrace. He noticed Double D's shock and he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He still wished the smaller boy would call him Nat for once, but at the same time he didn't mind hearing his actual name if it was coming out of Edd's mouth.

Double D cleared his throat and smiled, "so...are you positive you don't need any assistance?"

"Hmm..." Nat looked back at all the boxes in disarray in his room, "I think I might after all...it's chaos in here." He laughed and turned back to Double D, "Are you sure though? Don't ya need to get your own shit in place?"

"Oh don't worry! I've already arranged most of my room; I certainly wouldn't mind helping you. I-if you want that is."

"Of course! Yeah, okay! Thanks sweetcheeks." Said Nat excitedly, adding in a signature wink, which caught Double D by surprise and made him blush. He giggled at the boy's reaction as he went back to the center of his room where most of the boxes were piled up.

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