11. Red is a Warm Color

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As promised, after his date with Nat, Edd called Nazz and told her how it went. The blonde listened to him silently but her smile got bigger and bigger as he the story of that night went on.

"See? Yeah Nat can be super crazy, but he's also very sweet!"

"Yes, he is; and the confession was nice too...however it did not help my predicament one bit! I paid attention to his actions and words and my own emotions as well...My adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin levels seemed to have been normal for the situation; but I guess that even after the release of hormones my mind is still an emotional mess. How am I to choose between two good friends?"

"Don't overthink it!"

"How am I not going to overthink it? This is a serious matter that requires serious thought and consideration. I do not wish to lose one or both of them."

"Double D if you overthink it you won't make up your mind, or even worse, you'll make a decision you'll regret!"

"I am aware of the consequences but it cannot be helped. Tomorrow is my date with Kevin, so, we'll see how that goes."

"Alright, alright, call me tomorrow too then. Goodnight Double D!"

"Goodnight Nazz, I shall call you again tomorrow."

Edd tapped the "End" button on his screen and the ended the phone call. He was lying down on his bed holding his phone against his chest, with both hands crossed over it as he thought even more about the situation. Or so he tried. Edd began to think that maybe Nazz was right, and overthinking it would just ruin the conclusion.

He took in a deep breath and sighed, and just as he was about to turn off his phone for the night, it lit up and vibrated in his hands.

To Double Dork: Hi dork, just had some questions about tomorrow. When should we meet up? Wanna go anywhere in specific?

To Kevin: Greetings Kevin. We can meet up at whatever time works for you, as for our destination...Well I'm certain that places I would consider fun might not suit your taste.

To Double Dork: I'll go wherever you wanna go, but, how about I surprise you?

To Kevin: Surprise me? What do you mean?

To Double Dork: You'll see! Meet me downstairs by the entrance at 1p.m. alright? G'night.

Double D furrowed his eyebrows in both curiosity and confusion at Kevin's text, then quickly typed his farewell for the night. He pressed send and turned off his phone, putting it on his nightstand; Edd curled up under his blankets and dozed off to sleep with thoughts about the day - and surprise - to come.

In his room, Kevin sat on his bed, biting the bill of his iconic, red baseball cap. Where could he take Double D that would be enjoyable to the dork, but hopefully not too educationally boring so that Kevin wouldn't be falling asleep everywhere. He liked Double D, he really, really did, but one can only stand so much for their special person.

The redhead furrowed his brows as he tried remembering any places Edd might've mentioned, or anywhere he had seen or heard of that he could potentially like. Anthropology museum? Planetarium? Science World? Maybe a botanical garden...Did Double D even like gardening?

Maybe he should text and ask him... Nah that'd be stupid, what kind of surprise would that be if he plans his own hangout with Kevin...But maybe if he asks in code?... Nah, Double D will surely understand... Well, there's always research!

Kevin hopped off his bed and sat at his desk, turning on his laptop. 'Facebook don't fail me now!'

He logged in and search his friends list for the desired name, then clicked on it once he found it; and so the search was on! The 'about me' section, status updates, photos, anything that could give him a better idea.

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