13. The Storm Before the Calm

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Nat waited for Edd at the park they had gone through the day they first got frozen yogurt together; the teal-haired boy found it endearing how the little nerd had chosen this spot to meet up with him for this "important talk".

Originally, they had planned to go for lunch, but plans had been changed when Edd said he'd prefer a quick meeting; 'I guess he got really busy with classes'. Nat hummed to himself and thought about what Edd might say to him, how he should react, what he should say, but then his thoughts wondered to Kevin's odd text from last night.

"All he said was 'Don't do something you might regret.'" He said to himself, imitating his friend's voice. "Why would I do something I regret? Did he mean crossing a line? I know Edd is on the more reserved and proper side but...hmm...now what did he mean?..." Nat closed his eyes for a moment and rested his head back, but his eyes shot open when he heard the crunching of fallen leave and footsteps getting closer. He made eye contact with the beanie-clad boy and an automatic smile painted his face.

"Good afternoon Nathan." Edd said with a small voice.

"Hey there Double Cutie; how are ya?"

"Oh, I've been better...and yourself?"

"I've been good, but school is getting way too chaotic since the semester is nearing its end...can you believe we're almost done our first semester?!...wait, but, why have you been better? Something wrong?"

"Haha, yes, it's quite the realization; it's still sinking in for me." Edd smiled.

"Edd, you ok? You sound drained."

"I'm fine Nathan." Nat scooted over a bit on the bench and patted the spot next to him.


Double D sluggishly complied and took the spot next to his friend; he couldn't dare look him in the eye, and just feeling the vibrant teen next to him made him queasy.

Nat could feel it, something was wrong, but he didn't want to forcefully pry the information from the beanie clad teen. Still, he wanted to know what was affecting the poor guy, especially if he was able to help.

"Wanna get some froyo for old time sakes? My treat again!"

"No thank you Nathan, I'm alright as far as my dairy income goes."

"Alrighty...uhm...wanna go for a walk then?" No reply, "A walk can help your brain juices get going, and make you feel better, especially in a day like today; it's so nice!"

Double D's lip couldn't help but twitch up into a grin at Nat's enthusiastic advice. He means well I know...Darn it man! Just rip the bandaid off!...a little ironic how I'm to peal a bandaid before I cause the wound....

"Or we can lay in the grass and look at shapes in the cloud, or jump into piles of fallen leaves, or we can-"

"Nathan I need to tell you something very important and I do not know how you will take it, and it makes me nervous because I do not want you to think for a moment that I am telling you this to put you in an uncomfortable situation nor out of any kind of malice and that I would not trade the friendship I have managed to accomplished with you for anything because you truly are a great friend, and spending all this time hanging out with you and Kevin in this big, unknown, environment has been so nice and comforting to me and I just-" The slurr of words were put to a halt by a gentle hand covering Edd's mouth.

"Woah there buddy, you might need to slow down. What was that all about? And please explain in short, concise sentences, I know length can be important but it's not everything especially if you don't know how to get to the point." He finished with a sly grin.

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