8. MidAutumn Nightmare?

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Kevin sat in his room patiently waiting for his dork to show up. He checked his phone, which told him it was 12:50 p.m.

'The dork said he'd be here by 1...I don't know how much longer I can wait!' Kevin sighed loudly and started to walk all over his room. It felt odd to be so impatient just because he was going out with Edd, but if Nazz what right, and he did in fact like him... 'I can't believe this is happening.'

1 o'clock.

'FUCK IT! I'm texting him.'

But as if on queue, there were three light knocks on his door, and Kevin wasn't able to stop the smirk forming on his face, but when he became more aware of it, he softly slapped his cheeks and sighed as he made his way to his door to open it.

Outside, Edd stood with a small smile of his own.

"Hello Kevin! Ready to go?"

"Yep." The redhead stepped out of his dorm and locked the door behind him. He followed Edd into the elevator - the ride was spent in a bit of an awkward silence - and out the doors.

"Are we bussing to the mall?" Asked Edd as they exited the building.

"Nah, we don't have to. I got a ride."

"Oh, splendid! Which one's yours?" They were now entering the parking lot area and Double D looked at all the cars that were still there, trying to guess which one would be Kevin's. 'Probably something modest yet sporty or cool...hmm...'

Kevin chuckled, and place a hand on top of the other boy's head to turn it in another direction of the parking lot. "That red one." He said with a proud smile.

"Kevin...that's a motorcycle."

"So it is dork, so it is."

"A-are you telling me we're going on a motorcycle?!" Edd gulped.

"Hey, you're catching up pretty quickly! You are smart!" Kevin laughed as he teased the little dork, ruffling his beanie out of place as he walked away towards his precious mechanical baby. He worked hard, not only in a part-time job but at home too with his chores, to get enough money to buy his motorcycle. It was his prized possession.

Double D huffed as he fixed his beanie and followed the taller man. "Kevin are you sure this is a good idea? We could simply bus there; it's not that far away. Wouldn't having a second person throw off your balance? Or at least alter it making it more difficult to ride and calculate the turns? Only 4 years ago there were more than 4,000 deaths caused by a motorcycle accident and I would hate to be the cause for one more sta-OOMF"

"Calm the fuck down Double Dork! I know what I'm doing. I've had her since senior year and I haven't gotten in a single accident or even gotten a ticket! Now put on your helmet and let's go."

Double D looked down at the helmet in his hands, which Kevin had just shoved at him to shut him up. He gulped and nervously bit his lower lip as he slowly slid down the helmet over his head. Kevin took the straps and tightened it for him, then put on his own and jumped onto the bike, patting the space behind him.

"Get on Double Dork, we don't have all day." 'Although I wish.'

"V-very well..." Edd very ungraciously got onto the motorcycle and scooted up closer to Kevin until he was comfortable. Then he held onto his shoulders tightly. "I'm ready."

Kevin chuckled and smiled from behind his helmet, "No you're not. If you hold onto me like this you'll go flying off the moment I take a turn; and I don't want you to die, so..." He reached up to his shoulders and took both of Edd's hand, bringing them down and tightly around his waist, "you have to hold on to me like this."

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