4. Safety Blanket

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The rest of the day went by rather uneventful. They managed to find a mall nearby, nothing big, but with enough things to get them distracted and do some shopping if need be. They also found a few cafés in the area and Double D thought they would be perfect for studying in the evening after classes; he could get tea and a snack while reviewing!

Nat was a presence everywhere he went, gaining stares from girls - and a few boys - at every corner. Unsurprising to Kevin he even got a girl's number without even trying when they went into a fucking Foot Locker. Nat of course, being the flirtatious gentleman he is, humbly accepted her digits and completely enchanted her before leaving.

"It would appear you are a natural with women, Nathan." Edd said with a soft giggle.

Nat looked at him and then back to the small slip of paper with the girl's phone number and stuffed it in his jean pocket, "I have natural charm. I'm totally irresistible!" he turned his body to the shorter male and lifted his chin as he spoke.

Green and golden-brown met as Double D looked at Nat's face as his was being held. He laughed and turned to face forward again, "Oh of course Nathan! What a smooth Casanova you are."

"Ya know it!" Nat popped his collar and flashed a bright, proud smile, "But there's one person I don't think I've been able to sweep off their feet yet."

Upon hearing this even Kevin had to turn and look at his boisterous friend to see if he was serious or not. He seemed like it, which took Kevin by surprise because he wasn't aware that Nat even had a serious crush.

"Really now? Well, I'm sure you will succeed in your romantic endeavors Nathan" Said Double D with a friendly smile, "you're hard not to like! I will admit that your humor does take some getting used to, but you're a good person."

It took everything Nat had in him not to hug Edd, 'He's such a sweetheart!'; even if the other boy didn't see him in the same light, his words meant that he did have a chance right? Double D thought he was nice. Double D liked him.

Nat perked up once again and merrily joked around with Double D as they continued walking around the mall. Kevin lingered behind a bit, watching the two laugh and get along so well. He knew Nat never had a problem with Double D, but he didn't know they would warm up to each other so quickly. Nat's eyes were bright as he looked onto the beanie-clad teen, and Edd's own eyes were joyful as well when he spoke to Nat. 'Guess I should be pretty happy my best friend and childhood dork are getting along...but I wonder if...What if Nat...nah it couldn't possible be like that! He's totally not Nat's type.'

"Kevin? Are you alright?"

"Wha? Yeah, yeah I'm fine dork. Let's just keep movin'." He gave Edd a small smile and Edd nodded, giving him a smile of his own. 'I like it when he smiles at me.' He thought to himself as he walked faster to catch up with his friends.

A car ride later the boys made it back to their dormitories. It was only about 5:30 p.m. and they still had some time before it became dark. Nat and Kevin had no problem with staying out until very late, but they both knew Double D was another story.

Right as they got out of Nat's car, his phone played the song of its people, chanting "Ch-ch-ch-cherries on top man B-butterscocth jam P-put me some nuts in the cups That's what's up man That's my ice cream"gloriously into the late summer day. Nat quickly took his phone out of his pocket and answered it.

"Yyyyyello...Ah, hey boss...yeah....ok...o-oh wait what?...now?!...alright...yes, I understand...I'll be there as soon as I can Mr. Cullen...yes, goodbye." He ended the call and slumped against his car's hood, "aawwww maaaannnnnn! I gotta take the stupid night shift at work! The idiot who was supposed to be working it apparently got smashed last night and he's still hungover as fuck."

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