5. Childish Games

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The next morning Edd woke up feeling rather comfortable and warm. 'My, my, I seem to have found quite the miraculous spot in bed last night', he thought to himself as a tired smile crept up the corners of his lips. A yawn escaped his mouth and with it his body began to stretch; he then noticed there was something heavy hanging over his stomach, 'Guess I fell asleep reading...wait a minute...wasn't I with K-'

Something tightened around his stomach and it broke his murky train of thought. Double D's eyes shot wide open and he looked down towards where the constricting feeling was coming from.

That's when he saw it, an arm covered by a green sleeve curled around his body, keeping him settled in place. The young boy started to get even more nervous with every inch his eyes began to move upward, following the trail of green fabric. An elbow, then a shoulder, then a neck, a chin, and finally a face. And what a face it was.

Edd had to quickly put a hand over his mouth to stifle the inhumane noise that was threatening to escape his system. He could feel his body temperature rising up ridiculously and his body became completely paralyzed. 'DEAR LORD! WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?'

Kevin's face rested just inches away from him on the pillow they apparently had ended up sharing. Double D could see the freckles again; every feature of Kevin's face was right there in front of him, and so close to his reach. Double D felt a sudden urge to do so, to reach up and at least slightly touch the redhead's cheek.

His right hand was slowly moving up, and he was just about to make contact when the other boy mumbled something in his sleep and his body begin to shift - and much to Double D's terror, if you could even call it that - pulling him closer.

'I-I CAN'T JUST STAY LIKE THIS. I NEED TO LEAVE. OH DEAR, OH DEAR WHAT DO I DO?' Edd panicked internally as his eyes darted all over the room, trying to think of a way to escape the sleeping boy's grip.

Just then, his golden opportunity came. Kevin yawned and rolled over to his other side, taking his arm off of Double D. The beanie wearing boy let out a breath of air he didn't even realize he had been holding in and slowly, carefully, got out of the bed; quietly opening Kevin's door and stepping out.

Double D stood against Kevin's door trying to stabilize himself. He was so terribly flustered.

"I really hope he didn't realize we ended up like that...I wonder what he would think...M-maybe since we seem to be on friendlier terms he'd forgive it...or would he be angry...oh my." He slid his hat further onto his head, partially covering his eyes as he shut them tight; the ghost of a blush lightly coloring his cheeks. Finally he huffed, and took his first step away from the door and towards his own room downstairs.

The rest of the days until class started went by in a flash, and Double D's two-faced excitement began to kick in; he was restless to see what his first college lecture would be like, but he also felt a little nervous over the fact that he would no longer only have 30 classmates, but up to 230! And developing a relationship with the professor would be a lot harder. But of course, being Double D, he was determined.

Alas that fateful Monday came. The alarm clock blared from Edd's nightstand and it made the boy's body shoot up from bed. 'Today's the day Eddward! Today you are officially-officially a college student! Oh how exciting!'

The little dork jumped out of bed and dashed to the bathroom to prepare himself for the day ahead; he had 2 lectures on Monday - Philosophy and Biology - and another 2 Wednesday and Thursday - English and Chemistry. After a quick shower, other mundane morning stuff, and getting dressed, Edd went to his little kitchen and got himself some cereal with milk, and an apple for the road.

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