3. What a Bro

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Edd woke up at about 8:30 the next day, believing it would just be another boring day until actual classes finally started, with nothing to do but get ahead on his readings, until he remembered Kevin's invitation from last night.

"He said sometime around noon...which gives me more than enough time to get ready!" With that Double D swiftly got out of bed and into his beloved bunny slippers he had since childhood. He turned to make his bed - perfectly - and continued on to his bathroom to get ready for the day ahead.

Once done and dressed, he grabbed his beanie from the nightstand next to his bed and put it on standing in front of a mirror, meticulously tucking in any stray hairs at the front and behind his ears. Edd never liked his hair, especially not since his little accident. When he was still a young boy, and as curious as ever, he decided that it would be a good idea to take his father's electric razor and cut his own hair. He believed he was already old enough to do such a thing, considering his parent's high view of him.

Needless to say, a 5 year-old and a razor is never a good combination; he gave himself a nasty little scar on the left side of his forehead, which now became the "natural" partition for his bangs. His hair became - in his opinion - unruly and stubborn to any kind of styling, which clashed too much with his own character, so the hat helped hide what little remained of the scar, and the raven mess on his scalp.

Edd sighed at his reflection as he finished with his beanie, "Maybe I should just become completely bald..."

He looked at his alarm clock which indicated it was now 9:15, took his wallet, and made his way outside his building to get a light breakfast, just in case Kevin and Nat were planning on having lunch when they met up. He still wasn't very familiar with the area, and he did not want to eat at the dormitories' main food court; it unnerved him to be around so many other students, since he was still new and technically alone. He was never one for cafeteria food anyway.

He found a quiet, little diner, just two blocks away from the residence area and ate there. After a quick breakfast consisting of a bowl of granola with yogurt and fresh fruit, he went back to his room to wait for the boys. Edd waited and waited, but still no sign of life from neither Kevin nor Nat.

"It's already half past noon...dear lord; if I am told I must be ready by a certain time then I will do so. He tells me we will be out by noon and yet he is clearly late! Oh how typical that Kevin would...not show up...on time...oh." The sudden flare of indignity towards the red head's tardiness quickly died down into one of disappointment. Indeed how typical; how natural that his childhood bully would ditch him last minute. Doudle D plopped down onto his bed, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his palms, he sighed and looked down, "He's likely gone already...probably wandering around town with Nathan having a laugh or two at my expense." He scoffed and lied down on his back, "Oh how could I be so foolish?"

Just then his room reverberated with the sound of hard knocking on his door; Edd's face shot up and asked who it was, getting a "WHO DO YA THINK DORK?" in response. Double D smiled to himself and quickly jumped up from his bed and walked over to the door, opening it to a view of Kevin with his signature red cap, green hoodie, and black shorts. Upon noticing the outfit Edd's smile couldn't help but grow from the nostalgic feeling.

Kevin noticed's the boy's expression and quirked an eyebrow with a smirk of his own, "you ok down there?" he asked as he poked Edd's beanie.

"O-oh! Yes of course I was just...remembering stuff...a-anyway, I'm sorry Kevin, for a moment there I was certain you would not be coming for me and if anything had already left without me." Edd gave a shy apologetic smile.

Kevin furrowed his brows and slanted his lips, honestly a little hurt from the dork's words, "Wow dork, that's some faith you got in me."

Double D's eyes widened and his cheeks flared up in embarrassment, " No no! I didn't mean it that way! I mean...well...no, I guess that is what i-it sounds like b-but, what I meant t-to s-say was that...uhm judging from our previous years..."

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