7. Maybe, Just Maybe...

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Before they even knew what was happening, all the cul-de-sac college kids found themselves in their second month of school; everything was going by so quickly. Edd loved all his classes, not surprising to anyone really, and was already getting good marks on assignments. He knew it'd be a big jump from high school to college, and he had been warned that many good students falter on their first semester, but being him, he was confident on his abilities to succeed right away...or so he had hoped. The jump hit him too, not as hard as it might have with others, but he faltered as well. He was glad that he was starting to get the hang of it; no way was he going to mess up his first semester and sacrifice his scholarship.

What happened the weekend Kevin had asked Edd to go to his place for a movie night, you may be asking yourselves? Well, nothing much to be quite honest with you. Both boys became hyperaware of themselves and each other once they found themselves wrapped up in the fluffy, blue blanket again. As for homework, Edd did end up having to help Kevin with most of it, but lucky for him Kevin was a fast learner once you found a good way to explain things to him; plus practice...lots, and lots, and LOTS of repetition.

Kevin decided that maybe it'd be a good idea for him to have Edd's constant help if he wanted to pass the class, so he bashfully proposed to Edd that whenever he has an upcoming project or midterm, that Edd would help, and of course, the little genius couldn't say no - not like he would've anyway.

Being mid October already, the winds were chillier, the rains were more often, and the leaves on the ground were crunchier. Autumn wasn't Double D's favorite season, because along with the wind, and the rain, and the crunchy leaves, it also brought germs, more germs, and of course more germs which caused half of the population to get a cold or even a flu. On the other hand, he liked the sweater weather, the pumpking and apple pies, and of course, Halloween.

Double D had stopped trick-or-treating when he was around 13, but that didn't stop him and his best friends from enjoying the festivities. They'd go over to one of their houses - They took turns every year - and watch scary movie marathons, and eat candy like there was no tomorrow; when they were 15, Eddy got 2 cavities from all the sweets, but he and Ed were spared from a painful visit to the dentist.

"This will be my first Halloween away from home...I wonder what I'll do...perhaps I could meet up with Ed and Eddy!... if they aren't too busy with school...which I sincerely hope they ARE keeping up with." Double D furrowed his brows and sighed.

It was a Saturday morning, and Double D was in his bed doing some research for his English class on Wednesday. He was researching the works of William Shakespeare, for a short essay he had to write on A Midsummer Night's Dream for the poetry section they were studying, when his phone came to life next to him, distracting him from his readings.

"Hello? Eddward speaking."


"Hello Ed! Wasn't expecting any calls. How are you?"


"What? Go where? Here?"



Just then he heard knocking on his door and he quickly turned his head towards it. 'Oh goodness...'

He could hear his friend giggling on the other end of the phone, and he got out of bed to open the door, expecting to find his friends and being dogpiled to the floor. Despite the suddenness of the visit, Double D couldn't help but get excited at the thought that he'd get to properly interact with Ed and Eddy again.

He twisted the knob on the door, opened it, and partially stepped outside into the hallway, but no one was there. 'That's...odd.'

He turned on his heel and re-entered his room, speaking into the phone once more, "Ed when exactly are you coming over to visit? Do you guys even remember what building or room or even floor?...Hello?...Ed?"

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