10. Royal Green

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Since the Halloween party, Edd had been receiving texts from both Nat and Kevin more constantly, and even a few from Nazz. He tried with all his might to just put aside his thoughts and hectic feelings, even if just for a minute so that he could finally fully concentrate on his studies, especially with a lab coming up for chemistry AND biology in a few days.

Edd sat at his desk, going over his chemistry notes as best he could, but all he could hear was his phone vibrating every 3 minutes from being bombarded with text after text. He didn't like turning off his cellphone in case of an emergency, so that he could be easily contacted, but this was getting ridiculous.

He sighed, 'So this is what it feels like to be noticed...'

Finally he gave up, and went to his bed to pick up his phone and check what all the fuss was about; 4 texts from Nat, 4 from Kevin, 2 from Nazz, 5 from Eddy, and 3 from Ed.

Dear lord...whatever could they need from me so urgently...

None of the texts were exactly urgent; Nat was just asking when Double D would be free to hang next and how his day was going, Kevin asked relatively the same thing, Nazz was...the same... and Ed and Eddy simply wanted to know if Double D had made up his mind yet. He came to the conclusion that the only way he'd be able to finally get some work done, was if he simply answered the texts and asked them to please refrain from contacting him until HE contacted them first.

To Nathan; To Kevin; To Nazz: Greetings! At the moment I am rather busy with my studies since I have two labs coming up. However, I should be able to go out the week after, would that be okay?

To Eddy; To Ed: NO. I have NOT made up my mind yet, and I would appreciate it if the both of you please stopped pestering me about the matter! Once I make up my mind you will be the first to know, I promise.

He stood up and was about to sit back down on his desk chair when his phone vibrated a few more times.

"Oh for God's sake... I'm turning this contraption off once I'm done checking these texts!"

He unlocked his phone with one swift slide of his finger; only 1 text per person this time at least.

From Nathan: Oh snap! Sorry about that Double Dude, I'll quiet down! & Next next week sounds coo ;) wanna go to a movie Friday night?

From Kevin: Oh, sorry dude! Yeah that's fine with me. What do you wanna do? How about Friday night? Movie?

"...Are you kidding me?! Well...guess I'll have to ask Kevin if Saturday is possible."

From Nazz: SORRY! That's okay Double D, no worries! Any time is fine as long as it's after 2:30 and after 6 on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

From Eddy: FIIIINNNEEEEE! Well you better make up your mind soon! #Goteamgreenie.

Double D tch'd at his friend's text message, but the tiniest of smirks tugged at the corners of his lips.

From Ed: Awwww more waiting But I understand this is important, so I will wait! Listen to your heart Double D! Because the heart is where the home is!

The boy couldn't help but smile at Ed's text message; he really was quite the lovable oaf.

Double D sent his final text messages, accepting Nat's offer, asking Kevin about Saturday, telling Nazz they could walk together next Thursday after their classes, giving Eddy a sarcastic "ha-ha", and thanking Ed for the advise.

Alas, his phone was turned off and Double D was able to return to his studies with more inner peace, and best of all, quiet.

Double D was finally done with his labs once Thursday afternoon came to be, and he was sure to have gotten a good grade for both classes. As promised, he was to meet up with Nazz and have a little catching-up chat. The revenet got out of his lecture hall and went off to find Nazz by the library.

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