12. DamagED

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Double D felt as if a storm was brewing in his core; he felt something would go horribly wrong once he spoke to both Nathan and Kevin separately. He had no idea what would happen between the three, or what would happen if the other two males confronted each other. Kevin is an alpha male, he is a star athlete, and it seemed he genuinely cared for the dork; likewise, Nat is also a star athlete, a lot smarter than he may seem, and he also cared for Double D. There was also something else, something Double D had seen and confirmed over the years of knowing both Kevin and Nathan:Neither male likes to lose.

He was terribly nervous, but at the same time he felt this was right. He needed to tell them and they needed to know. To be perfectly honest, Double D was more than surprised over the fact that neither of them knew of their mutual infatuation with him. They are best friends, surely it would've been known one way or another...but apparently, that was not the case.

The text to Kevin had been sent, and a date agreed on; now it was time to send Nat's.

To Nathan: Greetings Nathan, I hope you are having a good day? Would it be okay for us to meet for lunch or something of the sort? There is a matter I must speak of with you, and it is quite important.

Not even 2 minutes later, his phone vibrated in his warm palm, and he checked the new text message.

To Double Cutie: Heyah! Yeah today has been alright I guess, you? Also, sure we can meet up for lunch! :D what day works for ya?

To Nathan: Would next Sunday be good? Say 1:30?

To Double Cutie: Yep! I'll see you then Prince Cutie ;)

To Nathan: Goodbye!

Double D took in a deep breath and let it all out after a moment. He couldn't chicken out now. It'd be wrong. He owed it to the two boys.

He sent 2 more texts, to Eddy and Nazz, informing them that it was time for him to come clean. Nazz was happy and cheered him on, saying she would help him calm the beasts if need be, and Eddy called him right away.

"So you're really gonna do it huh?" Was the very first thing Double D heard when he picked up.

"Yes. I've been having such a wonderful time with them, and they have been nothing but attentive with me...it's the least I can do."

"You really feel like this is it though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, have you really spent enough time with them?"

"Well, I have gone out with both Nathan and Kevin on a few occasions; not to mention I actually have a class with Nathan, and I do text both of them in a nearly daily basis by now. So, yes I suppose I feel comfortable with my decision in that sense."

"So who's it gonna be?"

Double D's fingers hovered over the keyboard on screen, and his thought process screeched to a halt. Indeed, who had he chosen?

Eddy could tell his friend was talking a little too long with what should have been an easier answer, if in fact Double D really had thought this through.

"You don't even know yet do you?!"

Double D furrowed his brows and bit his tongue lightly with his front teeth. "This isn't exactly common for me Eddy! Of course I'll come up with an answer!"

"Oh really? Fine, you got 10 seconds."


"OH, OH, I KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Ed piped up, having quietly listened to his friends' conversation all along.

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