Book 《Dipper X Reader》

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You sat inside the shack, next to your best friend, Mabel Pines. You were reading this magazine she lent you. But it was mostly about boy bands and make-up and... other stuff.

"Mabel, is there something else I could read?" You asked, sighing.

"What? Why don't you just read what I gave you?" She asked.

You threw the magazine aside and screamed, "To hell with that!"

You grunted and turned your attention to the other bed. It belonged to Mabel's twin brother, Dipper. You noticed a red book sticking out of the pillow.

You stood up and pulled it out. "This looks intresting." You say, opening the book to a random page. "Mind if I borrow it?" You asked.

"It's Dipper's, ask him." She replied.

You nodded and exited the room to find Dipper. You found him sitting in the living room, watching TV.

"Hey Dipper." You sat next to him on the chair.

"Hey Y/N- wait, where did you find that?" He asked, pointing at the book.

"I saw it under your pillow. Mind if I read through it?" You asked.

"Sure. But you'll probably get bored. Or think it's all fake." He grunted as you opened the book.

One page read:

Gnomes. Little men of the Gravity falls forest.

"Dipper! This is so cool! Can we look for one!" You asked, jumping infront of Dipper, opening the book.

"You belive it?" He questions.

"Of course! This is so awesome! Can we please go and find one!" You begged, falling onto your knees, "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"

He stared at your for a while, "Fine."

"Woo-Hoo! Mystery hunt!" You screamed, throwing your fist in the air.


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