. . . 《Crossover x reader》

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Your POV

"Where are we going?" You asked Garnet as she lead you to the warp pad, together with Dipper, Bill and Mabel.

"I have no idea. Garnet won't tell us." Dipper whispered to you.

"Bill? Do you know?" You asked the demon.

Bill shook his head. "No idea."


"Who are you?" Star asked the Crystal gem named Pearl.

"And why are you here?" Marco continued.

"Please, humans. Just trust me and come with me." Pearl pleaded.

"No!" Marco snapped.

Pearl sighed and grabbed their hands. "Trust me!" She yelled, dragging the two over to a another warp pad.


"Steven! Over here!" Alex chan called.

Steven hummed then tossed a box of party poppers at Alex.

She ran over to the fireworks display and dropped them off.

"Are you sure the house won't catch fire?" Steven asked cautiously.

"Positive!" Alex exclaimed, slamming the door closed. "With a press of this button! I'm gonna blow up beach city!" She exclaimed.

"Wait, what?" Steven gasped.

"I-I mean! Set off the fireworks!" Alex corrected herself.

A warp pad in the house activated and five shadows loomed over the beach.

It was noon and the sun was about to set. "Steven! Quick! Hide!" Alex dove into the sand and burried herself.

Your POV

"What is this place?" Dipper asked Garnet.

"Oh. Garnet, why didn't you just tell me we were going to Beach City?" You asked. No reply.

Garnet walked out of the house and showed off numerous party decorations and Steven standing alone on the beach.

"Y/N! Dipper! Mabel!" Steven called.

"OMG!! STEVEN!!" You exclaimed, snapping your fingers and changing into your gem form. "I'm coming buddy!!" You leaped fromt he house and onto the beach, pulling Steven into a bone crushing hug.

"I-I'm... ha-happy t-to see yo-you too!" He wheezed.

Dipper ran down and looked at you with wierd face. "Y/N? What the heck is going on?!" He cried.

You heard a muffled scream from the sand, not two seconds later, someone jumped out of the ground, revealing the person to be Alex/The Author.

"Hey Reader-Chan!! I gathered all of your friends so we could have a beach party today!" She exclaimed.

"A-all my friends?!"  You dropped Steven on the ground and then turned to Alex.

"Yep! The other gems are pickig them up!" She grinned.

A few minutes later, the warp pad activated once again, this time, Pearl was struggling with six other people.

"I'll get them!" Alex offered and ran to the house.

"Y/N how do you know about this place?" Dipper asked you.

"Um. . . I'm. . . Not normal, Dipper." That's all you said.

Alex and Pearl walked down to the beach with Wirt, Greg, Beatrice, Marco, Star and Tom behind them.

"Wirt, Greg!" You smiled.

Wirt gasped and ran to you. "Oh my Goodness. I honestly thought that Alex wasn't going to make another one shot using me." He hugged you.

"The fourth wall has been demolished. Be right back." Alex walked to the beach and started pounding an invisible wall with a hammer.

You and the others chatted a bit, you talked to Sans and Dipper, talking about random stuff.

The two demons (AKA: Bill and Tom) were whispering stuff to each other while Mabel and Star just had these faces on that screamed. "Bruh, what they saying."

After a few minutes, Alex came back, brushing her hand against each other.

"So why'd you bring everyone here?" You asked.

Alex smiled and shrugged. "I'm glad you asked, well. . . The reason is. . ." She paused for dramatic effect and brought out a small remote, slamming a big red button that activated several fireworks that came from behind Steven's house. "We are at seven thousand views!!" She exclaimed.

"Really?!" You gasped.

Papyrus burst in. "THAT'S FANTASTIC! I'LL MAKE SOME SPAGETTI FOR THE OCCASION!!" He exclaimed, running off and grabbing Sans on the way.

"Alrighty, Y/N!" Alex exclaimed. "I'll give you and everyone else a chance for a gift! Set, go!" She shoved you towards Tom.

He caught you by the hand and placed a flaming rose in the other. "Don't worry, the flame won't hurt you." He grinned, spinning you towards Marco.

"Hey, Y/N. You were super bad ass when you fought Jeremy." He chuckled, tieing a black belt around your waist. "Go on. Moving on to Dipper." He hugged you and shoved you towards Dipper.

Instead of Dipper catching you, Bill caught your hand and pulled you up. Bill grabbed Dipper's hat and slapped it onto your head. "Consider it a gift from both of us!" He grinned, putting an arm around Dipper's shoulder.

You let out a small laugh before Greg came in and pushed Bill and Dipper away, making way for Wirt.

"Heh, sorry, Y/N. I don't have anything for you, but. . ." He embraced you in a tight hug. "I hope Alex will make more one shots with me." He smiled warmly.

"Y/N x Wirt!!" Greg yelled.

"No!! Marco x Y/N!!" Star chanted.

"Y/N x Dipper!!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Dude!! Y/N x Bill!!" Alex screamed.

"Y/N X TOM!!"

Guess who yelled it?

Yep, it was just Tom. How paphethic.


Thanks a bunch for reading this crap!

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