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Niall wakes up the next morning feeling rather invigorated. He does not know if it is because he got an extra hour of sleep last night or because Harry's dinner was so damn delicious, but he nearly springs out of bed once his eyes are finally open. Niall then proceeds to take his usual twelve steps to his bathroom in order to prepare himself for the day.

Getting ready has always been a slight hassle for Niall. He has gotten a lot better at doing things quicker and with more accuracy now that he has gotten more accustomed to doing mundane tasks without sight. His other senses have been enhanced to make up for the loss of his vision. For example, he can almost always find his toothbrush without running his hands around the counter first. He just has to make sure to put it back in the same relative place every morning and night.

After his teeth and hair are brushed and he has used the loo, Niall is careful to count his steps and turns as he makes his way to his closet. He counts off the numbers in his head, his lips forming each consonant despite the fact that no noise escapes. It helps him to not get sidetracked.

Once at his closet, Niall begins to trace his fingers over the hangers, feeling around for the little bumps that tell him what article of clothing each one holds. The brail coat hanger system was his therapist's idea. She always has wonderful advice and methods that she offers to Niall during his visits. Even though he is required to see her, Niall willingly enjoys her company and feedback. She helps to make his life easier.

Niall finally settles on a plain white v–neck and some black skinny jeans, also tugging down his black Adidas jacket just in case it is chilly outside. He takes four steps over to his dresser and opens the top drawer to fetch some underwear and socks, and then takes seven more steps so that he is back to his bed, where he places his things down.

Niall allows his mind to wander as he is slipping on his clothes, thinking about a time when getting dressed and going outside did not seem like a necessity. He remembers staying inside and being alone, frightened by what would happen to him if he left the safety of his room. Those days seem like such distant memories, yet the recentness of their existence constantly nags at Niall's mind.

When he is dressed, Niall sighs and runs his hand along the edge of his bed as he makes his way around it. Once on the other side, he takes the usual ten steps forward with his arms outstretched, waiting until he reaches his bedroom door.

And then comes the hard part.

Niall has fallen down stairs more than anyone else he knows. Being blind is definitely the main reason, but the fact that he is also a major klutz does not help is luck on inclines. He has never broken anything during his descent down a staircase, but he has came out with some nasty bruises. It is safe to say that Niall is extra precautious nowadays.

He makes it down the stairs without loosing his footing and smiles, taking twenty steps forward until he reaches the end of he and Harry's kitchen counter. He can hear the other boy bustling about in the kitchen, preparing a breakfast that smells heavenly to Niall. The blind fellow is glad that he has a flatmate who does not mind making every meal. Niall is not allowed to operate the stove, so Harry's assistance comes in handy. A bowl of cereal is really the only thing Niall can prepare, and he even fucks up at that too sometimes.

Niall clears his throat so Harry knows he is there, and he hears a quiet 'good morning' from the other lad. Niall returns the greeting, smiling.

"What are we having on this beautiful Sunday morning, Chef Styles?" He then asks, his voice chipper.

Harry turns his attention away from the scrambled eggs he is making, raising an eyebrow at the other boy.

"You sound oddly happy this morning," he says.

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