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C H A P T E R  N I N E

Niall sits on the couch in silence after Louis leaves, waiting for Harry's return. He has no idea where his best friend ran off to, but he understands that he needs to cool down. Emotions have been high in their relationship lately. Harry has been juggling taking care of Niall and trying to move up the ladder at work without making mistakes, but the weight is steadily piling up on his shoulders. Niall hopes their talk will alleviate some of the pressure.

He pets Annie as he waits patiently. The dog jumped up on the couch and laid her head over his lap when Louis left, happy to be alone with Niall. The whole confrontation with Harry and Louis had stressed her out, so she is extremely content with being alone with her soft-spoken, loving owner.

Niall wishes he could see Annie with his own eyes. He bets she is an adorable dog, probably has the cutest face of any dog ever. Her coat is so sleek and soft under Niall's touch. It makes him want to lay down and nap and, consequently, a yawn is triggered form the blond. He continues combing through her fur, scratching behind Annie's ears every now and then like she adores as he fights to stay awake.

He thinks about turning on the telly and listening to some episodes of a random critically acclaimed Netflix series, but he shoves aside the idea when he thinks back to his accident. His head is still throbbing slightly and he has a headache near the back of his skull, so he does not think he can pay much attention. Plus, staring at the blurry lights flashing on the screen would more than likely just irritate his conditions more.

His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of turning locks and the front door being opened. Niall takes a deep breath and listens carefully, assessing Harry's actions. He hears the lad wipe his shoes on the placemat, recognizing the noticeable 'thud' as Harry slips them off and they smack lightly against the wall. He then hears Harry's coat being removed and placed on the wall hanger beside the door. The lad does both of these things quite loudly, maybe to let Niall know he is home, but most likely to translate his scattered emotions.

Niall sighs, just like he always does when he wants Harry to start a conversation. He hopes the lad will actually respond to him. There have been times where they have argued and Harry completely ignores Niall for a day or two, which is torture for the blond. He relies on sound and touch to determine what is going on, so he finds it downright cruel when Harry chooses to give him the silent treatment.

"When did Louis leave?" Harry asks, facing Niall but not making any move to position himself closer to the blond.

"Shortly after you did."

"Oh," Harry pauses for a moment. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It wasn't awkward or anything. He just wanted to give me some space after the fall."

Harry hums at that and shifts awkwardly between his two feet. He planned to come in and instantly apologize for his weird mood and explain his feelings, but the words seem to be caught in his throat. He knows he screwed up and wants to make it better, but it is hard for him to explain his actions. It would be hard for anyone in his position.

"Where did you go?" Niall asks before Harry can make up some bullshit excuse.

"Um, I was at Zayn's."

"Zayn, as in, Zayn Malik?"

"Yeah," Harry answers, his fingers anxiously playing with a string hanging off of his jeans.

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