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Dear Luke,

Sitting here in this big old empty apartment, toys scattered from one end to the other. Trucks and cars, even a little guitar. He wants to be like his dad, a little rocker.

The rain is hitting the window and the thunder gets louder and then softer, I don't know how to explain it. Sometimes I wish I 10 again so I didn't have all of these troubles and thoughts running through my mind constantly.

Sometimes I wish I was 27, surviving the return of Saturn.

You never told me what happened or what was happening in your life it's like you just disappeared on me. You disappeared into thin air, I don't know if your alive, if you in jail. I just don't know.

I wish I did know, it would give me some peace of mind and then maybe I could tell our son what has happened to his dad. You get me pregnant and 16 Lucas, fucking 16 and then you leave before he's even one.

He knows who you are, he may only be 2 but he asks about you all of the time and I tell him who you are I've showed him photos.

Remember when we found out, I was a mess and couldn't handle it but your were my rock. You stood by my side when I told my family and they kicked me out. You were there the whole 9 months. You were there for the whole 8 hours in the delivery room, you didn't leave once.

I trusted you with my whole life, I put my life in your hands but you go and do this to me. I never picked you to be a quitter Luke, never.

I'm still in contact with Michael and his partner Skylar, they're amazing to me. They take little Noah off my hands when I need a break or when I have to work.

I know you will never see these letters, well for obvious reasons. I don't have an address to send them to and you haven't been home in over a year.

I've lost a lot of sleep because of you Lucas, a lot of sleep. Some was from Noah when he's been sick but most of it is because I lay here away thinking about you.

I need help Luke, a lot of help. Nothing has gone right, nothing will ever go right until you come back. Whenever that may be, which will probably be never. I should go now I don't know what else to say and Noah is talking to himself.

Another sleepless night ahead of me.

I miss you Luke, more than you will ever know and more than anyone can ever imagine.

I love you even though you broke my heart I will always love you.

Yours sincerely,

Jasmine x


Hey my lovely readers

These letters are just the start, I'm doing a sequel which has a lot more detail.

All of these letters are to Luke from Jasmine, some will be short like this but others will be longer.

Let me know what you think

Love you xx

Go follow heartbreak_hemmings the books are all about her and you should all go read her books they are amazing

~Jodie x

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