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Hey dad,

So, where do I start. I've been working a lot on my music, playing and singing. Uncle Mikey has been helping me so much, Noah and I go to the studio after school and hang out with them all and mum. It's helping me with some stuff that's been happening at school.

It's nothing serious, just a few bullies. I talked to uncle Cal and uncle Ash they've helped me with them. I didn't want to bother mum to much, she's been doing well lately and she's been happy.

The happiest I've ever seen her, I don't know what's changed but it's making me feel better about everything.

I've been thinking about what I would like to do when I yet older, do I go that way? No or do I go that way? No, that's what I keep thinking. I thought about hairdressing, being a makeup artist.

I don't know dad, maybe music will become my passion like it was yours. Not that you got far with it under the circumstances and all that.

Now my bullies are sorted out, kind of I've been talking to Uncle Cal and Uncle Ash about playing music for a living and they seem to want to help and I even told mum and she sounded happy for me and supportive.

So that's what I'm going to strive for, tomorrow after school when Noah and I go to the studio a guy is coming in. Um I think mum said his name was Joel and apparently he's a good singer.

I'm going to see if I can talk to him he might be able to help me write something or teach me a few thing if he's not to busy that is. I hope it helps me with where I want to be in life and where I want to go.

I'm going to make something of myself and of this family, give a name to us Hemmings. We can become famous, you, mum and Noah can travel the world with me and see me hard at work.

It makes me happy to have a dream like this.

I love you to the moon and back

Goodnight daddy xo
Charlotte xx


Well well well hopefully I can finish this tonight :')

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