
13 1 3

To dad,

I haven't seen you since I was 3 dad, I'm now 12 and growing into a young lady as mum puts it. I've been having a rough time at school with kids they're bullies, mum has talked to my teacher and I've talked to mum and she's telling me how to stand up for myself but it's hard.

Kids are mean, really mean. Yeah, the truth will set you free. Uncle Mikey told me that, I tell the truth and it hasn't set me free. Telling the truth has gotten me into more trouble with the girls who are bulling me.

You know what it's all over dad, only having a mum because I would rather hang out with Noah over any girls and because I'm not a girly girl. I hate wearing skirts and dresses, I wear shorts or long pants because that's what I'm comfortable in.

It's getting unbearable, I need my dad as well as my mum. I need both my parents, your both my rocks and I miss you like crazy. Please dad, you need to come home. I have a feeling your still around.

Uncle Mikey and Aunty Skye are let me babysit on my own, uncle Ash and uncle Cal were upstairs just incase I needed anything but I didn't and I didn't see them all night. I'm really glad mum let me do it, doing that made me feel really grown up.

It made me feel good about myself.

I'm self concious of myself, I've hit puberty and I had a massive break out and that's when the girl picked on me more.

I talk to mum every night about what's been happening at school and she really understanding. Nothing else has really happened, we haven't been doing much lately.

I have a heap if homework to get through so I should get started on that.

I miss you dad, come home soon.
I love you dad xoxo

Much love,
Charlotte xoxo


Crying :"(

Sweet sweet kids


•Letters•Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora