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Hey dad,

I just wanted to say hi, how have you been? I miss you

There is something I want to tell you because I don't feel like I can tell mum or any of my uncles, I feel like they will look at me differently.

Dad, I know you will never see this so that's why I feel like I can tell you. I need to get this off my chest so here goes nothing.

I messed up really badly the other day at school everything went downhill, I walked dow the halls. They were so crowded I dropped all my books when I got bumped ad I started to pick them up I kept getting pushed to the point I sat against the wall and hugged my knees.

The day didn't get much better after that, I failed 3 tests and then in art class I dropped everything and paint went all down the front of my uniform. I was at the verge of tears by now but I didn't let one fall, I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to stop them.

After school we went to the studio like we do everyday after school and I sat in an empty room with one of Uncle Mikey's very first guitars. I was sitting there happily playing and singing random lyrics for a heaps of different songs I had in my head.

I heard mum call out for me since it was time to go home, I stood up and started walking to the door and it just slipped out of my hand and landed on the floor. It broke and that was my breaking point.

I dropped to my knees running my fingers through my hair as I stared at the broken guitar at this point I had so many things going to hough my mind.

But I picked myself back up, I stood up picked up the broken guitar and went to uncle Mikey. I apologized repeatedly and he kept telling me it was okay but I didn't believe him.

I hugged him and walked away before I did cry in font of him, I still feel really bad now and I need to find a way to repay him.

I'm sorry I dumped all of that onto you.

I love you daddy xo

Lots of love,
Charlotte xoxo


2 chapters to go, I can't wait to work on the next book properly


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