A deal's a deal

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Feyre POV

The day was fresh, green and shrouded by a misty rain. The chestnut horse beneath me was bristling with excitement at the prospect of a ride. I envied her that fierce joy. A head of me, Lucien looked back over his shoulder and cocked his head in question. I gave a short sharp nod in response and then we were off.

This was how I spent my days since I had abandoned the Willow. I had started my days in Prythian, silent, empty and bitter. Avoiding Tamlin and trailing on Lucien's heels as we scouted the boarder of Spring and returned empty handed. It felt like everything was coming full circle. Once more I did the same. That thought stopped me in my tracks and I slowed my chestnut brown down to a gentle trot and then to a complete stop. Lucien looked back at me again in query, but I half shook my head, indicating for him to ride on. I climbed down, feet crunching on the rocks of the forest path, and released the reigns so that my horse could wander.

Was now the same as then? I wondered.

A dark shadow crossed my heart as I thought again of the lives I had taken. A bitter laugh escaped me. No, it was not.

"I am full of darkness now" I said out loud to no one in particular.

As if in answer, darkness came. Black tendrils of night encircling and caressing me. I felt two strong masculine arms wrap around me.

"Then you belong to the Night" a soft mocking voice echoed in my ear, and gently reverberated down through my body. Heat flushed through me as I spun to come face to face with those hauntingly beautiful violet eyes.

"Rhys...?" I gasped.

Star lit eyes filled with mischief looked back at me. I tried to step backwards out of his embrace but he held on tight and firm. I couldn't break the intensity of his stare as he seemed to look through me into the darkness of which I had spoken.

"Don't worry. I can't seem to stop looking at me either" he said with that annoying smugness. His smirk widened at my obvious annoyance, as I stopped holding my breath and let out a haughty huff.

Foot steps crunched behind us and I looked back over my shoulder to see Lucien approaching. Rhysand waited just long enough for Lucien to realise what was happening.

"A deal's a deal. See you in a week foxy boy" he called out.

I looked back at Rhys. He winked at me and then everything went black.


Rhysand POV

I watched from the periphery as she lowered herself and jumped down off her horse. A small smile crept to my lips as I watched her release the reigns and give the horse a gentle pat, indicating that it was free to wander. Even after the mountain she was still concerned with the freedom and happiness of others. I could still remember the way that first glimpse into her mind had shaken me. It was the day I had pulled her out from behind Tamlin's curtains and held her captive in my invisible claws. As I mercilessly trawled through her mind I had been astounded at the memory I saw of the Suriel. How could a human girl place the survival of a lesser fey before her own? It was that act of mercy that had stilled my tongue from revealing the truth that she was not Clare Beddor. No, if I was honest I had been curious about her since Fire Night. I managed not to snort in laughter at my own vanity. At first I had denied it, but as the weeks passed I could not shake the annoyance that a mere human had dismissed the offer to bed with me, especially on the night of the Great Rite when the ladies were literally lining up and fighting to be the chosen one. I had felt insatiably drawn to her ever since.

Feyre's bitter laughter interrupted my introspection as it echoed out and was swallowed by the expanse of the forest. My heart clenched in my chest at the awful sound of it. The fiery passionate girl from before the mountain was gone. In front of me stood a creature of bitter despair. As if experiencing the same revelation she spoke aloud.

"I am full of darkness now"

It was time to take her home.

I came up from behind and materialised around her. My arms wrapping thickly around her slim waist. My heart stuttered in response to the contact. I could feel heat coursing through every part of my body that was in contact with her. As she spun around and gasped my name, I was enamoured by her. Yet my desire was stilled by the vast emptiness I glimpsed beyond her eyes. Her soul and heart had been decimated.

Luckily I was saved the bother of dealing with Tamlin as fox-boy emerged from the distance. I need only linger long enough for him to be clear that Feyre was safe with me and that I intended to return her in a week. Hopefully that would be enough to stop Tamlin from storming my lands with his sentries.

As Feyre spun back and looked at me I winked to put her at ease, and then sent her into an unconscious slump. I told myself it was for the convenience of not having her fight me, but a small snide part of my mind wondered if that were true then why was I so smugly clutching her to me, as if she could be snatched away at any moment.

I smiled down at the peaceful creature asleep in my arms. I was going to be in so much trouble when she awoke. A wicked gleam entered my eyes as I chuckled. Maybe my court were right.. Being under the mountain had made me more mad, dangerous and unpredictable than ever before. I simply could. not. wait. for this fierce little lioness to wake up and start hissing....

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