Chapter Fourteen

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Taylor's POV
It seemed like hours that I laid with November like that before the ambulance showed up and police officers escorted me out of the building and into the ambulance with November on our way to the hospital.
Hours later, November was in a hospital room with different things attached to him.
I was sat there in a metal chair next to his bed when his Mom walked in and I glared at her.
"I'm sorry."
"You didn't even know him. You were never there for him, you didn't know what he was going through, you never cared. Neither did your husband. You guys gave up on your helpless son."
"Look, we tried our best at raising him and-,"
"Bullshit! How you raised him has nothing to do with the fact that his girlfriend died on the worst day to die and he's in a hospital room right now because he tried committing suicide. Raising him had nothing to do with that,"
"You don't understand, Tay,"
"Don't fucking call me Tay!" I shouted.
"And I don't understand? You were never there for your fucking son! I understand him more than you ever will! If I were you I would leave right now before you see your son flat-line."
"Don't say that."
"Fuck you."
I got up and shoved past her, leaving the hospital room and running out of the hospital, collapsing outside onto the ground and sobbing into my cheap jeans.
Why did this have to happen?

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