Chapter Fifteen

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Taylor's POV
Thanksgiving break for me was boring and akward meanwhile normal families were sat in their living room, watching football or others decorating a Christmas tree and listening to Christmas music. Some were shopping for Thanksgiving dinner and children were probably making their Christmas list.
So I'm sat on my bathroom floor once again, listening to my blasting radio and sobbing into my jeans as a razor blade was making slits in my arm removing my blood and taking all of my innocence as if it wasn't already gone. And then I thought of a few months ago when I was doing this exact same thing but crying about a complete different person.
A faint knock was heard on the front door over my blasting music and quickly scrambling up, I covered my cuts with cheap paper towels that would tear soon and rushed to throw a sweatshirt on. The doorbell rang as I shut off my music and ran to the door, opening it and coming face to face with a police officer.
"Are you Taylor Hawkins, daughter of Marissa Hawkins and David Hawkins?"
"Yeah. What's it matter to you?"
"Uh a patient at the hospital, November Sandler, is awake and requests to see you immediately."
My heart skipped a beat and I nodded, saying,"Okay, yeah, um okay, give me a minute and I'm going to put my shoes on could you take me there?"
"I am not allowed to take you anywhere, miss,"
"Please?! I need to see him!"
"Look fat guy I don't care what you are and aren't allowed to do I need to see that man right away because I fucking love him an-," I paused, realizing what I had said, and continued,"And he tried to commit suicide because his girlfriend died on the last day of summer and just.....,"pause,"I need to see him and be there for him. Please, officer."
"Oh okay whatever, but you can't tell anyone about this."
"Got it."
The police officer escorted me to the hospital and I ran in, getting called after by the receptionist but I ignored her and tumbled into November's room, falling onto his bed and engulfing him in a hug.
His skin was wrinkled and when I looked up to tell him how much I was worried, I instantly shot up and apologized to the old man I had just fell on and ran out to the receptionist's desk, asking what room November was in.
"Room 19, but only family can en-,"
"Thanks!" I yelled and raced to the room (once again, this time to the right room) and tumbled into November's room and onto his bed, comforted by his familiar rough skin.
"I missed you so much, November Tyler Sandler,"
"I missed you too," He cried,"I'm so, so sorry."
"That's okay."

I love November.

A/N omg guys I was in tears writing this chapter but when I wrote the old man incident I couldn't stop laughing. I can't believe this book is ending soon haha Taylor and November have come so far *cries* anyways. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.Also, dedicated to @thatxtumblrxchick for the support on the last chapter! Thank you!

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