Silence means yes? (Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader)

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You were roaming around the school corridor to look for (Bestfriend's name). She had told you to meet her in the Science laboratory after class but unfortunately she wasn't there. You felt annoyed from coming all the way here yet she didn't show up. This was the third she had done it this month so you gave up on searching for her and finally decided to go home without her. You reached down stairs and grabbed your shoes from your small locker then went out from the school building until a group of girls screaming can be heard from the school's gym. You decided to check it out for who knows that your friend might be in there doing non sense things that made her forget about you.

Opening the door, the sound of sneakers squeeking and the ball dribbling can be heard. Seirin was having a practice game against the Kaijo and you thought to yourself that the practice game was supposed to be held at Kaijo. You shook that off your mind and remembered your purpose of being here. You scanned through the crowd of girls who were watching the game below and darn were you right. You spotted your friend who was screaming like there was no tomorrow over the game near the railings. You rushed up stairs, getting all fired up to teach (Bestfriend's name) a lesson.

You made your way through the crowd of the annoying fangirls and gave a tap on your bestfriend's shoulder. "A-ah (Y/N)-san! I'm sorry I totally forgot" you cracked the knuckles on your hands and smirked at her. "Heh ... I know you would" you placed your arm around her neck and your hand on her head. "O-ow! I'm sorry alright. Stop it you're making a scene" you ignored her reasons and continued what you were doing.

The girls didn't mind what you did since they were too distracted on a certain blonde model guy playing in the game. What you didn't knew was that a pair of blue eyes with teal hair caught your attention which made him smile a bit.

"Kuroko!" The demonic red haired man suddenly yelled at the guy. The ball was approaching towards him at full speed. He couldn't beat the time so he passed the ball at the wrong direction. The ball went towards you before you realized it. It hit you straight on the head and that's when you black out. You loosened your grip around (Bestfriend's name) neck and collapsed on the ground. "(Y-y/N)-san!!"

~~Time Skip~~
You woke up in a white room with green curtains covered around you in a square formation. Sitting up from the bed, you noticed your things being placed neatly on top of the drawer with an empty wooden chair beside it. The bandages were properly wrapped around your forehead and you recalled the things that happened before you black out. The curtains opened and you could see (Bestfriend's name) with an apologetic look on her face. "S-sorry (Y/N)-san ... If I just stayed put in the Science laboratory, you wouldn't be in that state" you told her that it was alright since that's all in the past now. The pain could still be felt on your head so you rubbed it to ease the pain.

"Ah by the way ... Somebody wants to see you too but I'm not sure if he will be here. He probably went home" (Bestfriend's name) said as she scratched her head. "I'm actually over here" a mysterious voice was heard and that person was actually seated right beside you. "G-gaaah!!" You both screamed from this person's sudden appearance. "Hello" he greeted with a matching wave of his hand. "W-when did you get here?!" You asked with your heart beating fast from terror. "I was here the whole time" he replied with a poker face. He looked actually cute on your opinion but a little smile would make him even cuter, that's what you thought. "A-ano I have to go ... I still have to buy some ingredients at the grocery store. See you tomorrow (Y/N)-san. I'll make it up to you" she waved you and him goodbye and you responded with the same gesture. After her leave, the teal haired man stared at you which creeped you out.

"I'm sorry ... I haven't introduced myself earlier. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya" he sticked out his hand towards you and you gladly took it. "Oh well I'm--" "(L/N) (F/N)" (A/N: that actually means last name and first name okay continue)

He interrupted before you could even finish your introduction. "H-how did you know my name?" You couldn't help but ask. "I'm your classmate and I would like to apologize for what I did during the game. Did it hurt your head too much?" You couldn't remember the time he was in your class and probably guessed he was just invisible to be noticed. No wonder why the demonic red head man screams with no reason. You chuckled at the memory.

"Ah you mean, you were the one who hit me?" He nodded still with a poker face. "N-no! It wasn't that hard honest!" You replied immediately and with that, another pain stinged in your head which made you groan. "I don't think you were honest" he sighed afterwards then grabbed your wrists.

"Let me help you" he said and you didn't know how to respond to that. He kissed you on the forehead that made you blush like hell. You heart started to beat rapidly not beacause of terror but because of joy? "Was that better? My grandmother told me that it would ease the pain" He asked you like an innocent child but you couldn't respond right away with the mixed up feelings that were flowing in your mind and more importantly ... In your heart. He waited for you to answer but it seemed like you couldn't so he smiled. "I'll take that as a yes"

You saw his smiling face and then realized that you had fallen for him. "Dammit!" You cursed in your mind.
-The End
~~Extended Chapter~~
Somewhere behind the door of the nurse's office ... (Lol)
Kagami: How could he do that so casually!
Riko: awww that's actually cute
Hyuuga: I have nothing to say about this
Kagami: come on! Don't you find this a bit weird?
Kuroko: Kagami-kun ... Please shut up. Your voice is annoying
Kagami: g-gah! He saw us!

Aaand that's it! Coming up next is Aomine x Reader

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