A misunderstanding (Kise Ryouta x Reader)

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Classes were already over and you were stuck on cleaning duty with your other classmates outside. You opened the door of the ground floor to take a view of the school grounds with the cleaning materials ready. It was a complete mess since today is the fall season. " dammit ..." You cussed under your breath followed by a couple of sighs from your classmates.


"Finally" you said as you swept the last leaf into the dust pan and sighed in satisfaction. Your other classmates bid you goodbye as you went back inside the school building to get your belongings. As you walked down the hallway, you happened to meet the student council president who was just looking at the information board. She, yes she, she called out your name and you immediately went near her with a polite bow for respect to your senpai.

"Are you (L/N)-san by any chance?" you responded with a nod and she sighed. "Kise is waiting for you in the classroom. He's actually taking a nap" a thought came up to your mind and you forgot that your boyfriend told you that he would wait for you no matter how long it takes for you to finish your work. You thought he was joking since you knew that he has a photoshoot today but guess you were wrong. "T-thanks for telling me. I'll be going now" you bowed again to your senpai and took your leave. 'That idiot ...' you said in your mind while walking briskly.

You slid the door open and found the blonde man that appears to be sleeping peacefully on your desk. You smiled as you went near him and took a small bend to admire his sleeping face. Before you could lay a finger on him, he moved a bit and you could see something that you couldn't believe. It seems that he has a red kiss mark on his cheek. You didn't know how to react on this but the first thing you did was to smack him in the head like how Kasamatsu-senpai would do it.

"E-eh?! (F/N)-cchi! Why did you do that?" He rubbed his head and faked a cry in front of you. "Tch .." was all you could say as you grab your things. "Come on let's go home" you went out of the room first followed by the copycat who you left with a baffled look on his face.

~Time skip~
The whole walk was silent and Kise was feeling uncomfortable about this since from the very beginning. You were actually the type of person who likes to talk about your day and the things that happened to him and you would usually hold hands but this time was different. He had the feeling that he has done something wrong to you but he had no clue what it was. For now, both of you waited for the light to turn red so you may cross the street. Your expression was gloomy and your grip on your sling bag was now tight. "(F/N)-cchi?" He said with a worried look and it was the perfect time for you to cross the street since the light already turned red. Now is the time for the Kise annoying mode to activate. (A/N: yeah he's annoying to be honest yet he's hot ... Am I right people?)

"Ney! (F/N)-cchi! Did I do something wrong? Please tell me!" He clinged to your arm which you immediately jerk your arm away from his grip. "Did something happened when I wasn't with you Ryouta?" your voice was now stern with a matching glare to complete the look. He thought for a bit and you were waiting for his answer by looking at the glass from the café shop. You saw lovely couple and you thought that they were lucky since they enjoy each other's company. "No. I don't think so (F/N)-cchi" he finally responded and you weren't satisfied with it. Not satisfied at all. You tried your best to calm yourself down to talk in a normal tone. "Are you sure Ryouta?" The way you said his name sent shivers down his spine and he slowly nodded in response. "Last chance, are you really sure?" He nodded again.

You sighed in disbelief. "Well then, how do you explain the kiss mark that is found on your left cheek" you pointed at you and he flinhed a bit. "Kiss mark?" he raised his eyebrows at you and checked his left cheek with the glass of the café shop. "Eh?!?!" Was not the response you wanted to hear from him. The customers in the shop had caught Kise's sudden behavior so he grabbed your arm and pulled you away from that area.

Both of you were already in the spot where you parted ways so you left without saying goodbye. "(F/N)-cchi! Wait I can explain" you turned around to face him with all teary eyes. "What's the use Kise! You don't have to hide it anymore for I have already caught you. Let's just END this!" You bursted out crying and he was suprised to hear that you used his last name. It didn't take long until you heard him laugh. "Eh?" You were confused at the moment but you probably guessed that he was amused on how pathetic you are right now. "Ahaha ... S-sorry (F/N)-cchi! I couldn't help it you were just so cute when you're jealous" he then enveloped you with his arms and you could feel his warmth comforting you. "Just hear me out okay. That kiss mark was actually from my older sister. She passed by our school while I was secretly watching you doing your cleaning duty. We chatted for a bit and she offered me a ride to my photoshoot but I declined since I wanted to wait for you. So she kissed me goodbye and I guess I probably forgot that she had lipstick on" he broke the hug and saw the embarrassing look on your face. "Y-you should have told me that sooner so I wouldn't freak out" you said softly. "I-i should get home. I'm sorry for what I did" you were about to leave when he grabbed your arm and made you face him again. "I accept your apology and it was just a misunderstanding. I would never cheat on you (F/N)-cchi" he then held your waist and pulled you into a deep and passionate kiss. It was long one so you had to tug on his uniform for a sign to him to stop. You both ran out of breath after he broke the kiss. "I should really get home Ryouta" he intertwined his fingers with yours and cracked a smile in front of you. "It's already dark (F/N)-cchi. I'll walk you home just to be safe" you smiled in response and walked hand-in-hand with him along the way.

"We should tell Kasamatsu-senpai about this" he suddenly said with a smirk. "No we shouldn't" you answered right away and he laughed it off.

Coming up next:
Muraskibara Atsushi x Reader

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